church-posters.jpgGeoff is asleep upstairs, I’m sitting here listening loud to the sounds of Angus and Julia Stone. It lends itself well to thought.

I’ve been present lately for several conversations about worship/church and life.

Opinions and frustrations play out in the minds of a lot of people that bother thinking about their Christianity, life and the role the corporate church plays in relation to worshiping and living for God and it seems to me that for a time (and often unfortunately sometimes for good) they end up quiting church or quiting parts of church without evaluating things from an unforced court (I was watching tennis last night).

I do not have the answers. I cannot say that I’ve never seriously considered being ‘anti-song’ etc… or even perpetuating that internal debate of my inner life and my hungry better life not matching the outer one. I sometimes wonder how I actually go at living this Jesus stuff out and am I okay in doing what I’m doing or do I need to go above and beyond?

As for evaluation of anything of the body corporate ie. Church.

I recognise that;

a) It’s never going to be perfect, it can be annoying as heck and it’s probably never quite the way I want it to be.

b) That although worship needs to be my life lived out in alignment to God and his way, that there are traditional ‘worship means’ that can actually help my focus (True they can make me play the cynical fiddle too) but from there I can lean out with more intention into where direct encouragement for worship is less obvious.

c) Perhaps God cares about my attitudes rather than the forced application of ‘smarter more right Godly living’.

The best thing I ever hope to do is to keep my eyes open to see God in whatever, even at church, and to live as true as I can to that.

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I saw Juno the other day, I don’t really know what kind of girl I am (Blair’s post), reminded me of it. I’m not exactly sure how I managed to forget blogging it, because the movie was fantastic. Beautiful with enough sass and raw quirk – Jennifer Garner tried her best to envelope her part into some kind of alternate chick flick . Michael Cera and Ellen Page were amazing.

Back to Blair, because she quotes Juno, “I don’t really know what kind of girl I am” and goes on to share some of her personal fictional heroes. I am fairly aware of who I am, but like Blair I have a few of my own aspiration/relations.

Jo March – from Little Women
I like her independence, yet Jo’s independence is paired with an enormous amount of kindness. Although persistently relating to her through the years, that is the one small, small element that is a mismatch to my own life. I’m sure I have bouts of being ‘nice’ but there is an extent where Jo’s self sacrifice out matches my own.

Jane Eyre
It’s been a while since I’ve read Jane Eyre, yet I admire her innate strength. I left the story with my mouth open.

Elizabeth Bennett – Pride and Prejudice
Her individuality speaks volumes. I like that she is flawed, somewhat flippant and even proud at times. I relate to her stubbornness and I like her eventual bend to alter her opinions where they have been mis-announced.

They’re the three from the top of my head. I’m sure there are others – less cliched perhaps but that might just have to do.

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I’ve spent a good bit of the day butchering a wordpress template and have come up with a ‘new look’. I’m sorry if you were partial to the old one, it was getting a bit crowded and it is a new year and time for a change. I’m quite happy with the outcome! I think I’ll still be playing with the sidebar and potentially offloading links to pages but that will come. Suggestions are welcome and if you find any bugs/issues please let me know.

What do you think?

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