1. said:

    I don’t know if this is what you’re talking about, but off-brand packaging drives me crazy. Why can’t it look just as good as the “real” brand? (Wal-Mart’s Equate is among the worst.)

    March 4, 2008
  2. Anon said:

    The only thing I can think of is those kids snacks that have individual packets like tiny teddys. Theres not much point in having them wrapped up and then in another box.

    March 4, 2008
  3. said:

    Australians don’t have Walmart Anna, but I get the idea.

    Possibly for your assignment Bec:

    My dad can’t use gladwrap. He tries very hard to get it off the roll without it getting crinkled and stuck together, but try as he may, he’s never been able to wrap a sandwich properly. It can’t be that hard to work out a better way to dispense it for the less dextrous amongst us.

    I’m teasing him about that right now and he’d also like to suggest that Imperial Leather soap comes wrapped in plastic, then cardboard, then plastic again. Apparently the last layer of plastic is very difficult to get off.

    March 4, 2008
  4. said:

    I know this happens in Melbourne, but it seems to be soooo much more widespread in Canberra – vegies in layers and layers of packaging. Tomatoes in layers of polystyrene tray, then this plastic thing to hold each individual tomato, and then glad-wrap stuff all over the top.

    March 5, 2008
  5. said:

    Chuppa Chups near drive me insane!! I can never unwrap the packet with my hands, I always end up having to get the teeth in there to rip the bejeebers outta the wrapper. Lollypops are generally marketed to kids and either I’m really really retarded or there are a whole heap of kids out there who are lolly-pop-less….it’s like stealing candy from a baby I say!! … 😛

    March 5, 2008

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