Today meant to consist of a simple trip to check out my friend’s ‘Curves’ gym (ie. womens gym/exercise in 30mins and it’s really corny) and then to bum around at home, clean the house a bit. But no, I locked my keys in the car, in the ignition. My friend’s dad who is also my mechanic came by and tried to open it up for me but no luck. So I borrowed my friend’s phone (yes I haven’t got one yet) train’ed into the city to get Geoff’s key (1hr)- because I couldn’t even get into the house.

Then while I was in the city, I decided to visit the outlet place to find some shoes for my sister-in-law’s upcoming wedding and went to pay and my bank card was declined. Woops. That’s never happened before. What a disgrace.

It was a very unproductive day all round. Laura kindly picked me up from the station and took me back to the car that mercifully didn’t have a parking ticket.

Now I am home, having cooked dinner for my whole family (+ little sister’s boy) and am watching them play Mario Kart on the Wii. It is rather amusing. I’m still in shock that my mum is enjoying herself.


rugMammoth shopping trip today. You consumerist you – Rebecca.

I drove into Ikea – a fair hike from home and bought this rug – along with some other bits and pieces that you tend to pick up when you’re there. Ikea is dangerous. Much more pleasant on a Wednesday than a weekend though. The dastardly cafe didn’t have loganberry juice AGAIN. I swear I would drive to Richmond if only for that + lemonade mix – it’s rather fantastic.

Anyway, the rug is a ditch attempt at rescuing our rental house carpet. The lounge room is high traffic area and being quite narrow, also serves as the only way to go through to the kitchen, to date I think we’ve spilt wine/juice and who knows what else on it. Carpet cleaner only does so much. It’s all very well that one day we’ll steam clean it, but It was time to do something, especially since we should have a new couch in the next few weeks, whenever we get our act together. We’re not very good at getting our act together.

The rug was a good price, but the bargain of the day would have to be the $2.50 David Crowder book I got a Koorong. I hate Christian bookshops more and more, they’re increasingly depressing and so full of crap but it is an endless source of amusement to see how badly they misprice things. I got an RK Cd for $15 when others around it (The SAME ones) were priced $40 and $20. They do it all the time. Pays to look.

Ahh and the winter/fall Jon Foreman cd has also made it to Australia and into my hands.

Nuff spent, nuff said.
