The tertiary box

Subject line up looks like this:

Communicating Practice: which is a mass lot of readings and then folio building. The readings are interesting, however each week we have to write up and present on them with another person, which is a little bit of a pain in the bum. The folio aspect – when we get there, should be great.

Systems and Services: not quite sure assignment-wise yet, however there fascinating lecture on alternate aspects of design and the power in ‘designing behaviour’ etc. Have a feeling the lectures will interesting but the assignment could come with dark clouds. (Group work alert! Although I’m seasoned with having experienced the worst now)

Advertising Design: reminiscent of several former classes. If I get a good idea I’ll be laughing, if I don’t it’ll be perpetual pain. My assignment is on homelessness (my choice of topic) – lets hope I haven’t bitten off more than I can chew.

Information and Interface Design: Kind of up my alley – I think. It’s about applying some handy old logic and spatial grandeur and presenting information in a simpler, visual way. It does require thinking in 8 dimensions but I think I’m up for the challenge, does have the potential to be very tricky but also very fun.

And thus concludes a somewhat pessimistic view of my subjects this semester. The outlook presents some interesting stuff, hopefully I can do it justice and pull out some ripper work to conclude (finally!) my time in the tertiary box.

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