Heaven wheels above you, displaying to you her eternal glories, and still your eyes are on the ground – Dante Alighieri

It’s totally naff that the ‘heaven’ theme is number 7. I hate cliches.

We do walk around with our eyes on the ground. Sometimes I think that my eyes aren’t anywhere at all, so easy to get lost inside your own brain and wrapped in your own internal world.

The Word became flesh, and here then is some kind of heaven mashed with earth. It’s beautiful. It’s here yet not. My awareness is poorer than I might yearn for. Daily I hope to ask to be woken up. Daily I hope to ask. Over and over and over.

Hold on, hold on to your old ways
Or put off, put off every old face.
And I know, I know you are changed out.
And I hope, I hope you’re arranged out.
But I’m still asleep
And you woke me up again.

– Sufjan Stevens

This post is part of the 100 Theme Challenge

100 Theme Christianity Life

Create Design General Life Lists

Sometimes the rain and the cold makes heroes of blankets and tea.

But the rest of the time it just makes you want Spring. Spring I am ready for you.


My great plan of blogging my Vietnam trip crashed with the intermittent internet and the exhaustion of engaging in work in lets face it (although I love humidity and the heat) less than helpful environment. It all happened excessively fast (as these things do). I found it a weird cross reference of Solmons climate to New Zealand beauty. It is still too early to put any photos up that I took in central Vietnam (the work related ones), which is where I invested most effort on the photographic front. Unfortunately my touristy days were a consumed with heavy rain and err… present shopping. I didn’t return with 32gig of just work photos though, although my favourites are most definitely some of the ones I took in the Villages.

Here is Hanoi in the rain.


Perhaps we all hang on to some odd things from our childhood,  I have a great appreciation for a musician my parents were in to (I’m not sure I actually enjoyed it when I was younger)-  the youtube clip is a bit feral (fashion/glasses/context/filming/sound), so here are the lyrics. They are simple and true. Based on the last chapter of Hebrews.

Grace Be With You All

Remember to love one another
And do what is pleasing to Him
Be strengthened by grace
And worship in reverence and awe
The God of peace

And grace be with you all
And may the Great Shepherd of the sheep
Equip you with all things
For doing His will
And grace be with you all

Forget not the sufferings of Jesus
And bear the disgrace that He bore
Confessing His name, for Christ is the same
Yesterday, today and forever

And grace be with you all
And may the Great Shepherd of the sheep
Equip you with all things
For doing His will
And grace be with you all

And grace be with you all
And may the Great Shepherd of the sheep
Equip you with good things
For doing His will
And grace be with you all
And grace be with you all

Christianity Life