What do you think of the new header etc…?

No… of course I’m not procrastinating. :S


girllook.jpgInspire me.

I have to turn the following exerpt from Matt and Jo by Ivan Southall into a storyboard/animatic. What’s that? Well – any interpretation I like (the passage simply has to be the initial inspiration) in 16 very decent graphics, put them together with some kind of soundtrack.

What do you think of when you read this? Is it all literal? What’s Matt like, what’s Jo like? What’s the relationship between the two? Where are they? What are they doing? What bit (because it doesn’t have to be all of it) would you use? Make it up. I have a few ideas but anything further would be welcome.


Matt hearing himself calling her name aloud. Hearing himself yelling into the traffic noise across the road. Like trying to shoot a cotton puff through a solid brick.


Nothing but traffic out there. Mad. Traffic everywhere. Trucks and vans and cars and front-end loaders and funeral procession erupting out of the earth.

Holy Mackerel. A funeral procession. At half past nine in the morning! Who’d want to get buried before lunch? Gentlemen removing their hats. Ladies with perambulators diverting quickly into shops. Matt’s spirit dribbling through the soles of his feet and running down the gutter. Sorry you’re dead and all that, but why’d you have to work it so that you blocked the view? Couldn’t you have got buried at sea or somewhere else?

Jo’s gone, of course.

Oh… and I have to write fairly extensively about the process so the more to talk about the better!

Design General

I have been wading through the masses of wordpress templates and trying to work out enough of the mess to customise it at least enough to make it look somewhat my own (and besides, it’s far too fun).

This is alright. Really not a fan of the search bar at the top – search is apparently a widget – but hey I don’t have that selected and it’s still there. There’s also a rather largeish gap between the title/date and the top of the post which I am unsure of how to get rid of.

Not 100% positive about the grey although it’s not too bad. I’m also still ho-humming over the sidebar being on the left, as I prefer it on the right. (Again beyond my capabilities just yet).

Still playing. But what do you think? Run with this for a while?

*edit: search/rss removed, orange line removed, space taken out. (oh yeah!) now… what to do with the grey?

**edit: big changes. Problem is – does it look right for you or do I have to stuff around more? Looks freakishly wrong on our family computer – but hey it’s old and has a crappy screen.

Blogging Design General

A few links for those mildly design/art interested. And try the second one anyway, whoever you are.

Daily Dose of Imagery by Sam Javanrouh – a photographers blog which I intend to keep an eye on.

A is for Apple
– try this one out! I’d bet this is one of the weirdest design/random sites out there. How’s this for postmodern navigation? It’s all rather disturbing. I don’t want to know how long it took to make.

Design General Photography

So, something at NGV (which I’ve been waiting for) has finally arrived.

Charles Blackman’s: Alice in Wonderland

I was looking around the web one day and stumbled across a few of his artworks, only to discover that he’d be showing his face (or at least his paintings) later on this year in Victoria!

I certainly intend to go and visit. The exhibition is on until October 15. Anyone interested?

Design General