Something I haven’t yet officially participated in is what is known as a Blogging Meme.

Simply, it’s one giant game of tag amongst Bloggers. Last night I got tagged by Christina.

Six Weird Things About Me

  1. I am a non-identical, youngest twin. Laura has 2 minutes on me. I have 2 inches on her. As a general rule I rebel against most things twinish. Before you ask, the answer to, “Do you have ESP” is, “No”.
  2. Growing up I collected everything from: Dogs, Cats, Books, Fonts, Coins, Stamps, Horses/Horse Books, Stickers, Teddy Bears, Pass It On Cards, Bookmarks… I must have grown out of it because the only things I collect now are blog links and the odd coffee mug/latte cup.
  3. I can fold my tongue over like this (that isn’t me)
  4. I grew up in the Solomon Islands and I can speak Solomon Islands Pijin although not very well any more. While I’m on the subject, Meme means ‘mushy fruit’ in Pijin.
  5. The thing that most scares me is Karaoke.
  6. Tell tale signs for me being stressed out: I won’t have read a fictional book in a while, my room will be a much more of a mess than usual. NB: Sometimes things are this way totally separate from what is going on.

(and if I had to have a 7th, it’d be that I find it incredibly difficult if not impossible to properly scream)

and I shall tag the following six people:


General Meme Personality