bride_paper_2_911.jpgIt’s nice that dress makers know what they’re doing – because if I went chop, chop, chop along the edge of my wedding dress it wouldn’t end prettily. That is however, how they do it. Relatively free-hand, while you stand there telling yourself that they do know what they’re doing and then you relinquish the lovely thing over for a month or so and hope it comes back better than when you submitted it to the knife.

In a remote way it seems a little like my experimental sewing endeavors. It’s a wonder they don’t make you sign something that says you’ll not be irate if it comes back wrong… but then where would my confidence be?


I really do love being back online. It’s like returning to an exceptionally good book wondering, ‘Now where was I?’ only to a lesser extent. Anticipation or something… at least with blogging.

While I’m on the whole, ‘Now where was I?’ jaunt, let me advise:

If you are in university and planning on getting married, either take six months off and/or pay someone else to do the brunt of the organising. Unless of course you don’t mind having no headspace left for anything else. As much as you think it would be reasonable to ‘stop thinking about it all’ (because that would be and is obsessive) it doesn’t really happen. It lurks like black octopus gunk in the corner. True, I should cut back my evenings doing other things but that would eventuate in a ‘having no life’ situation which is also less than desireable.

Today however, I feel on top of things, even if I’m not. The poster for uni that I freaked out about didn’t do so badly and hey there is other homework to be done, but it will get done, it always does.

Flowers are still the bane of my existence, as none of what I like are in season (or what I know of), invitations have progressed to the ‘almost printed’ stage and I’m about to embark on yet another trial and error sewing experiment re: a veil, because I don’t know if I really want one yet and I’d rather pay $15 than more. I have looked up stuff online, and borrowed a veil that I could potentially use (which is a great length, but I don’t like the fluted edge) and to be frank, I feel a bit off a mooch borrowing someone’s ‘only item that they are keeping’.

The adventures continue! You could complain that you’re not seeing much else except weddings on here, let me redirect you to my brain and let you know that you’ve got it good, real good. You have the luxury of switching it all off.

Life Wedding

emugrass_110w.jpgI’ve been bashing around the florists of these parts for a little while now, in that I’ve checked a few out and gotten partial/full quotes off most.

So the full quote that I originally received from a very professional florist, really nice to deal with and both my little sisters had done work experience there was fairly pricey. Not so pricey that I didn’t totally baulk at going with them (because it was comparable to lots of the partial quotes), but enough to have me decide that I’d do a bit more scouting.

Today Laura and I took on up to a florist that is very local to where Geoff’s family live and only about 10mins to where my family live.

The price is a whole HALF what the other place was asking and she was also very professional and I had a good idea of the ‘style’ I was after fairly quickly

I am not committed to it yet, but these prices are beautifully plausible. And I’d be very willing to pay it, so someone who knows what they are doing can deal with the hassle of it all.


Oh have I jumped back with glee into the blogging scenario! No posts, I have simply been strapped for time.

September-October is a nasty one for university students, with homework that seems to escalate to match the climax of a year.

To count, I really don’t theoretically have that much due, sure I keep discovering bits of my 20th Century History stuff that I haven’t done – thank you to quick typing and the ability to crap on and still sound half intelligent! I have a book to design for Form and Structure (Indesign class eg: typesetting/layout) – I am using Henry Lawson’s Bill the Ventriloquist Rooster and due to my miserable last assignment I’d like it to be very up to scratch. I have a photo book to piece together- I’ll eventually think about that one. And a design brief to write/research to do, which is a 2 person assignment that I’m frankly not all that worried about.

There are times where it is really nice that my fingers have the gift of the gab.

Thoughts are in the churner about all manner of things, but this is not a promise of posts to come, nor an apology in advance, it is just a comment a little self reminding.

Things I forgot to mention (or was holding out on) over the past little while, some of it wedding related:

a) Anita, Geoff’s sister is engaged to Stuart and their proposal story is nothing short of an epic. Congratulations to them both! I like Anita lots and I think Stu will be good for her (and she for him).

b) We found and bought bridesmaid dress material, shoes and I’ve also gone and gotten invitation paper, these last few weeks have been very productive

c) My cousin Jaclyn got engaged a while back and is getting married soon, I caught up with her today and we got to talk weddings ‘realistically’.

d) I really like the people at my uni. It seems they’re an honest bunch. I left my usb stick in a class room and actually got it back the following day. Ahh the exemplary nature of Swinburne.

e) The girls I hang out with at uni are great fun and well worth a mention, I’m rethinking my once proposed, “Get through uni and have just acquaintances to get you by”, they’re far too good quality for that, pity they live all so far away.

f) I’ve discovered quite like watching Rugby League.

Life Uni Wedding

An odd request perhaps, but my artistic ability extends to such things as layout and the computer mouse and steers away from pen, ink, paint and paint. This makes producing something original without a stack of effort, well, a lot of effort.

My lovely Dad has set October 10 as when he wants to see wedding invitations so he can send them out (this is not meant to make me look incapable but I think it is leaning that way). This is quite soon.

My issue lies in wanting things (esp. in my arena) to be far too good for their own worth. I’d love some original art or sketch or something on my invites. I hate non-originality so if you happen to have some spare time and feel creative, I’d love to see any efforts.

Abstract to trees to whatever… I can’t guarantee I’ll use it and this is a highly presumptuous post especially considering I have no $ to pay you, but oh well.

I’m such a suck. I should just ask my little sister.

Design Wedding