lgadoginplane.jpgDay One of ‘Back to Normality’.

The rest of my time between now and when uni starts (or later if it takes that long – I hope not) is for Job Hunting.

Today consisted of a prowl around Seek which resulted in at least one appearance-promising opportunity of a Junior position in Desktop Publishing somewhere in the city. I’ve emailed off for more details regarding location and time and so have to wait on that.

I have also re-vamped my Resume, and really it’s not looking all that bad! Other initial steps have involved contacting a past MBO employer for any further work there or through their extensive network.

I would greatly appreciate you letting me know of any work opportunities around Melbourne – Admin/Publishing (Assistant) areas in particular on a Casual/Part-time basis. I would also be quite keen to work with kids/youth. I’ve had a full year’s experience in Admin/Reception and six months in retail along with many other short term ‘unofficial’ work/volunteering. If you know of anything at all, please shoot me an email at: allsaidblog@gmail.com

Here’s the deal. A job means that I can move out of home (A life experience I think I would benefit greatly from), I would be in the much smarter position of not working from home where the income is unstable and could rely less on variable Government student payments. I would ideally like to work where I can develop further career related/uni-related opportunities, which is why Publishing/Design/Photography is ideal.

Who knows, I might just have to take what comes. Wouldn’t it be great to be paid to blog! Please be praying with me about this.

General Work

readNow that I’ve entirely freaked out my sister, my parents and my boyfriend with the post title…

Problogger’s latest competition: Reviews and Predictions (and my first entry might I add) has gotten me thinking.

This year was in comparison to last year a rather large flop on quite a few levels – in others well, it won out. I grew up A LOT possibly just through life experience/time/uni, a nice boy appeared on the scene making the good later part of the year well, very good, and I worked out just what I don’t want to be doing with myself for the rest of my life, which does come in handy.

So in looking forward, how might I hope to compare this year with the fast approaching next (or doesn’t tomorrow ever really come?)…

Uni – I started the course that I deferred in favor of Arts/Health – both at the reputable(?) Deakin University. Unfortunately I caught the Bachelor of Interactive Media in it’s infancy – it’s second year and quite obviously it hasn’t quite found it’s feet. I also discovered that the second year of the course draws students heavily into animation, which is a field of torture that I am not willing to put myself through.

What I am doing about this: Complaints with a fellow student led to an application through VTAC and expensive (bah!) folio preparations and over-stress into production resulting in an interview and acceptance into the Bachelor of Communication Design at Swinburne University for 2007.

The Job – I worked in a franchise-bookstore for the first 6 months of the year. It began well and ended in unshed tears. It became a frustrating working environment. I didn’t feel as if I were doing anything useful and came to the conclusion that I really didn’t want to be there – stuck it out for a painful 2 more months and then decided I was being silly and if I was so not-happy I should resign and move on to something that would at least be a little more directional in relation to uni/future career. A good part of my problem was the brilliant 2005 job which paled anything that followed.

What I am doing about this: I’ve ended up working from home with my mum selling kids books/textbooks on eBay. This brings in enough to pay the petrol with a little to spare but doesn’t allow for moving out. I will being job hunting in the New Year. With a resume of 1 years Reception/Admin/Office-girl and 6mths Retail amongst other little things. This is still a daunting task possibly due to my high ideals. I’d love a job where I feel somewhat challenged and get to learn stuff (which is why MBO was so good) and still not fell patronised. I might have to get over myself and settle for stacking shelves, anything to bring in the dough. Why?…

Living at Home – As much as I love my family, there has been the continuing and strengthening desire to move out. I really want out. I like my freedom, I always have. I like non-interference, I like trying new things. I’ve wanted to for a long time now and I’m eternally getting sidetracked about it, money continues to be an issue.

What I am doing about this: The laying of grand plans. I have teed up with a friend of mine, Analise, to aim to be ‘out’ by March 2007. House-sharing with her and/or some others. This means getting a job. Scouring the house my Grandparents are selling for furniture and praying like mad something nearish a train-line out this way comes along.

The Boy Read all about him here. He happened along in July. Bit of a new experience for me and it’s been a fun/challenging ride. I like him even more now than at first! 😛

What I am doing about this: Clearly I intend to keep him around. For those whose speculations lie in setting a date (Ross! Not that you even really read this) it’s still earlyish days and there are Rebecca self-made stipulations (ie: must be at least 21) – please don’t remind me that the big 2-1 happens in April – that’s freakishly soon! We’ll see how things go. I like him a lot, love him even 🙂 and I think he’s the best!

God stuff – It’s been so incredibly different than last year. No more 3 days a week of constant classes of feeding on the ‘wow’ stuff. It’s been slower, taken different turns. It’s had it’s dull/low moments and dare I use the cliched ‘dry times’. It’s also been very rewarding in discovering how things work now that I don’t have that passive input. Journaling took a nose-dive (much to blame on blogging and RSI). Criticism skyrocketed and dipped and plateaued and soared yet again. Patterns of consistency in ‘discipline’ worked better in holidays and yet drew me (and still are) to question how I’m actually doing this thing best and how much time I squander.

What I’m doing about this: Continuing on in reading widely Christian theologians/authors to keep me inspired and fed in that way. Striving to be consistent in reading the Bible/prayer etc. Making time. Using mornings (which is a lot easier in Holidays) as my evenings are now more full.

Church: Well, one went bust so it was new church hunting. Wound up where it’s undoubtedly the church I ever been most at home in. Fantastic group of people. Involved in running youth group. Tend to struggle a bit with the ‘service’ part of it all. Strangely enough. Music/worship often feels flat and then occasionally just clicks – it’s been nice not to be driven mad by ‘showy’ up the front-ness (although hmm… last week felt like it was heading a tiny bit in that direction). Sermons as they do, vary but for the most part have had teachable/encouraging moments. There is a stronger emphasis on the Holy Spirit in this church which I think has been good for me.

What I’m doing about this: Continuing to be involved with the youth (which I really do love), continuing to think about and be a part of the community, hopefully getting to know some of the non-peer people in the church, thinking more about church planting and watching the place come under new-leadership and seeing it grow and be challenged!

Is there anything I’ve missed? And can you deduce my New Years Resolutions now?

2007 is looking up!

Blogging Christianity Church General Life Relationships Uni Work

3pm today I had my interview at Dymocks.

Standard but not too nervous feeling before. Didn’t help I missed my bus, called dad to rescue me and then got it the next stop down.

I am pleased to report that it went really quite well and I am almost positive I have the job.

Goodbye to ‘cushy’ job (as Jess so thinks MBO is and is quite right). It’ll be the hard yakka from now. Worth it though, so much closer to home, probably almost double pay to what I’m getting now.

Have a funny feeling (if) that I’ll be working rather a lot.

Finish up at MBO just before Christmas. To be honest I’m really not too sorry to see that go.

General Work

By 6:30 this morning I was not ready to get out of bed, I was ready to get back into it.

By 8:00 I was sitting on a delayed train, due to some sick person on the train in front (later found out excessive vomiting all over the carriage) which had to have an ambulance called and took a massive 15minutes to get there. Devouring more of the endless The Potato Factory (heh just dawns on me why it’s called that now) feeling very sleepy.

By 3:00pm the only thing I felt capable of doing was going home and falling asleep for some hugely long period of time.

By 3:30pm I was lamenting the fact that I had to stick around work until 8:30 due to a work Christmas party (not the staff one, but the ‘friends’ one) and all I wanted to do was sleep.

By 4:00pm I had serious contemplations of getting the train home and abandoning Jess (who hadn’t even gotten there – she was waitressing) with people she’d never met before, all for sleep.

A full day. Busy is good, bar the site surveys, which I am slowly getting used to and still thoroughly hate doing.

A full evening with fairly low key (unpaid) help from me.

And now I am online at 10:15.

Call me a fool because I am one.

I’m going to bed.

General Work


Job interview is all mine.

3pm Monday.
prayer good.


General Work