
Got my Tabor results today (after Sam said hers came in the mail) I went online and there they were! No post for me yet.

The good news is that I passed.
The bad news is nothing.

Worst mark a P+ for ‘Special Ministry Topic’ (yeh not entirely surprised, could have put a fraction more effort into it).

Best mark a HD+ (Didn’t even know you could get them) for Christian History – the one subject I really didn’t put too much effort into as I’ve done it too many times, actually no, I lie. I enjoyed finding out about Augustine (which was for major essay). I am surprised though. Yay for Craig the shark man (or maybe I shouldn’t say that as Rowan might read this :P).

The rest were all quite good.

So all is fine and dandy. I am pleased. Not that I did YITS for the certificate and work, but yeah, it’s sort of nice to know.

Now I just have to wait until April 1 for graduation. Which means I’ll be 3 days off 20, which is just strange, and I’ll have to wear a stupid black gown thing which no doubt will be too big for me (as things from uniform shops generally are).

If you would like to come, I’m sure you can, but I don’t know where it is going to be yet. Actually Dave I think you know (near your house?). Does any of the yits people reading this know if we can invite people along?

Better question, do I even want you there? Sam, what’s the inside information from April on how it runs…?

Let me get back to you on this.

One Comment

  1. said:

    we get a prayer and prophecy day… well. april did. and i certinally hope we get one too :P!
    then a lunch with all of the faculty and the graduating students. and we can bring partners.
    then we go to grad, dress up in funny looking black robes. walk on stage with everyone else. get presented with our certificate, go back and sit down on stage. a few songs are sung, some people talk. then we leave with everyone clapping us. we go eat some afternoon teay stuff and go home…

    or something like that.

    i wonder if dads paid for grad yet…

    January 10, 2006

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