Oh yeah thats right. I go to bed relatively unbothered by something and I wake up thoroughly confused because I’ve half realised something and it still doesn’t work! Oh I hate my brain and my subconcious sometimes! Time, time, just roll on!
its highly annoying isn’t it? but don’t you find that it’s worse when you wake up and you still feel apart of whatever was happening in your sleep and after about 5 minutes you have to slap yourself back to reality? or whats even more frustrating is when your working through a problem in your sleep and then you wake up in a little bit of a daze yet while what you dreamy make sense you cannot fathom when your awakw… and then try desperately to revisit your dream and finish the equation… or perhaps thats just me 😛
Obscurity is a great thing. I don’t dream much and it’s usually in the horror/not-so-nice genre, this was one of those rare ‘definitely around what I was thinking about’ kind of dreams, a good short and too the point, unfortuanately it just gave me more to consider and has complicated things immensely.
its highly annoying isn’t it? but don’t you find that it’s worse when you wake up and you still feel apart of whatever was happening in your sleep and after about 5 minutes you have to slap yourself back to reality? or whats even more frustrating is when your working through a problem in your sleep and then you wake up in a little bit of a daze yet while what you dreamy make sense you cannot fathom when your awakw… and then try desperately to revisit your dream and finish the equation… or perhaps thats just me 😛
Obscurity is a great thing. I don’t dream much and it’s usually in the horror/not-so-nice genre, this was one of those rare ‘definitely around what I was thinking about’ kind of dreams, a good short and too the point, unfortuanately it just gave me more to consider and has complicated things immensely.
*points to anon up there*
i agree fully! as a dreamer, i sometimes find it hard to differentiate between dream, or reality…