
You’ll never be able to do enough, be enough, have enough, serve enough, give enough, pray enough, worship enough, study enough or submit yourself enough to whatever rigors you think might smooth some of the rough edges and bring you closer to God.

He, on the other hand, has done everything so that you can be His, be faithful, be attentive and be walking in the immense freedom of His grace to discover more of Him, His love, His work in you, His will for your life, His best use for your gifts, His direction for your life.

Be present to the Lord now, for what He has put before you right now; be present to those you have been given to love and mentor; present to those who need loving leadership and shepherding; present to the people in your life who love you for where you are right now. Take your eyes off the horizon and what might be, or could be. Focus on what the Lord has before you right now; be faithful to fulfill His call for you right now.

When it’s time to look up on the horizon to see what the Lord is bringing your way, He will tell you to look up and get ready for what lies ahead. Until then, be faithful and purposeful to find your significance in doing your best to fulfill God’s call on your life right now.

The accolades may or may not come, but that will not matter if you know at the core of who you are that you are fulfilling God’s call on you life. What would matter would be that you strove for the accolades and public recognition of your accomplishments and in the process sacrificed being in the centre of God’s will for your life. You will have achieved something good at the possible cost of God’s best for you.

(from an email to Colin Creel from the book Perspectives… and I might have butchered it just slightly)

And this is worth a read Psalm 27


  1. said:

    hmmmm… thankyou…

    May 21, 2006

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