Road trips and the expense incurred by impulse

I succumbed yet again to the temptation of spending money on books. I earn money by books, I loose money buy(sic) books.

After a long sleep-in and a relaxing morning where I had another really good sit/think fest, yet this time there was more ‘God’ related stuff involved an interesting tour amongst the start of Proverbs, I found myself having to drop Emma (Emily’s friend) home. Now she really doesn’t live that far away but as I was ‘on the road’ I figured I’d just drive the extra however many km’s to Nunnawadding while the 20% sale was still on at Word.

Foolish girl. I was going to stay home today.
Paul D called me sometime during then ‘for a chat’ which was quite random. We are having a rather large gush meetup tomorrow which shall be nothing short of interesting. I will see him, Jas and many others I dare say.

So I bought far too many books again. A very interesting one on ‘Mass Culture: eucharist and mission in a post-modern world’, some book by Max Lucado, some Youth Min one, One on online stuff (as it was less than $5 and erm I was being impulsive) and The Five Love Languages of Singles as someone – I think it was you Tony, said it was really good.

Anyway. I think the whole trip was a cover up to just get out of the house for a while – not that I have been at all frustrated with anyone today, positively the opposite.

How very stupid of me. I now have books enough to last me months – there’s still some I haven’t read from last time…


  1. said:

    I havn’t read the singles version. I own the male’s edition. However i think Elyce still has it. I wonder if she has finished with it. I need to get the female quiz out of it 😉

    June 30, 2006
  2. said:

    I am too scared to go book shopping with you bec.
    i think i would have to sell a liver (or broken heart) first. ha

    July 1, 2006
  3. said:

    *laughs at ana’s random comment which im sure you understood*

    July 1, 2006

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