2am Tasks

driving back from CanberraI seem to have not quite gotten around to going to bed yet. Anyway figured I’d point out that there are a few new photos up on my Flickr account. They stretch back to the tastes-so-moreish-because-it’s-so-amazingly-good dinner that Geoff cooked for me and New Years Eve, forward to the wedding in Canberra. I had a bit of fun taking photos after stealing Geoff’s camera and remembered how much I miss getting that ‘really good’ photograph – the ones you end up dropping into a folder that is more easily accessible if you ever need to produce the stunners. NB. I have only got this in a very abstract kind of way and haven’t quite had the opportunity to flash the nice ones around – at least not so to earn me enough money to actually buy a replacement camera. Alas, the poor hobby must be put on hold. I must pay rent, food, bills, uni-books, petrol and 21st birthday presents first.

One Comment

  1. said:

    Thanks for telling us about your Flickr account.

    February 7, 2007

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