The establishment of uni back into my weekly routine has settled happily, despite the beautiful 9 weeks of freedom. I feel good when I’m doing something – I’m getting excited about various aspects of this semester and as always I’m a huge sucker for photography. This semester is far more theory based which does lower the interest level slightly but downs the workload to something more manageable. Less folios, folios are fun but take a lot of time and cost a lot of money.
My current timetable has placed me with a different (for the most part) group of people which is both a bit sad and a bit nice. I’ve met-better two girls that I did typography with last time and a new mid-year intaker. Swinburne has been good for producing, quite unknowingly, people that are in some way easy to relate to – even beyond the whole ‘interest in design’ thing.
With the whole ‘theory’ based subjects, I’m finding it quite scary that I actually get a bit of a kick out of writing answers in my happy, poetic, frank (seemingly a little obnoxious) kind of way. I am very, very comfortable in writing and I’m enjoying myself.
I also just enjoyed a glass of port. If I ever wanted to go too far with alcohol – it would be a very happy way to go about it.
(No pictures on this post as I’m at my parents place and their computer is crummy, and feeling lazy and sleepy.)