I’ve been bashing around the florists of these parts for a little while now, in that I’ve checked a few out and gotten partial/full quotes off most.
So the full quote that I originally received from a very professional florist, really nice to deal with and both my little sisters had done work experience there was fairly pricey. Not so pricey that I didn’t totally baulk at going with them (because it was comparable to lots of the partial quotes), but enough to have me decide that I’d do a bit more scouting.
Today Laura and I took on up to a florist that is very local to where Geoff’s family live and only about 10mins to where my family live.
The price is a whole HALF what the other place was asking and she was also very professional and I had a good idea of the ‘style’ I was after fairly quickly
I am not committed to it yet, but these prices are beautifully plausible. And I’d be very willing to pay it, so someone who knows what they are doing can deal with the hassle of it all.
“a whole HALF”
You really have been overtaken by the excitement of it all – haven’t you babe!
oh how fantastic! ive been looking at the sort of flowers to have for mine and Jason’s wedding and avent got much clue
And Bec you were so right when you said about long engagements, i just want to be married already!!
Is fantastic that its a whole half of the price! what a relief hey
It’s so tough to plan an economical wedding, isn’t it? Everything is so extravagant these days.
talking from a purely economicalalsky perspective… is that a sprig of dill in the photo? you’re having dill for flowers? No wonder farmers in gruyere have a cheaper price!
But in all seriousness, you should consider budget option #24:
Find out which local park will be planting seasonal flowers, or having a flower show… and at 3:00 am the night before your wedding, send a team of intrepid young gents down with snipsnips, string, and buckets with a bit of water in the bottom. Oh, and black vans with tinted windows like they have in the movies.
Its free unless you get caught.
(which if my maths serves me correctly would be a whole whole of the whole price.
I dare say dill wouldn’t be in season knowing my luck!