arabian_illustrator_about_herbs_treatise_by_dioscorid_lentil_fine_art_prints_s.jpgIgnoring the doom and gloom of last night’s post and proceeding on in merry: still too much else to do to write decently fashion, today I finally came to the realisation that it was Autumn. I did have to be told and I should’ve known as I am quite aware that my birthday takes place in this altogether fine season of lovely colours and noisy leaves.

It’s a rather large birthday this year. The big Twenty One. Part of my evening was spent discussing and mentally drooling over deserts with my sister for our will-be-late 21st. I’d say all my readers are invited, but you aren’t – we are space limited and hey you could just be some random internet person. Being a twin now for 20 odd years I am finally getting used to sharing my birthday. Maybe. I still had the debate over the two cakes or one.

Laura and I forever seem to wind up never buying or having a present ready for eachother on the day. It’s always a few weeks or months down the track when we’ll realise while consumerising (I did just make that up) and say, “I want this, can you buy it for my present? I’ll get you something.”And we do, and that’s how it works and that’s how I like it.

This year that unspoken law will be enforced due to a severe lack of finances. We have however set the often stingy bar of cost a fraction higher.

Aside from recognising the season I am also coming to terms with the fact that apparently you have to make some kind of small (or large) speech at your 21st.

I do not like public speaking however I’m beginning to feel the pressure to ‘get over it’ from certain individuals that know me quite well… The strange boy likes public speaking!

If I can fit the word conceive into my speech, money shall come my way. Anyone willing to top the $5 bet?

Don’t expect much. I’ll make sure I transcribe it here so those of you that missed out can see what amazing words I have to share.


thinker.jpg“The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17 (NIV)

This verse has come up twice today. Always interesting. It leaves you wondering what God is trying to get through – and does he infact even work that way…?

I want some space so badly, space to think, to sleep, to pray, to just be as introvertish as I like. Some time to do nothing. I’m only on here to process my head. It’s this or sleep and I need to dump somewhere. Somehow I used to find time for all that. Where oh where has it gone!? Quiet. I so desperately need it. It isn’t doing me or anyone around me any good and I’m sitting in this odd cycle of no real spare useful me time and I’m hating it.


No exemption for me.

They really weren’t all that helpful. When it starts with them not remembering you’re even coming you know it wont go well.

I’m not very impressed.


scoop.jpgGeoff and I managed to catch Scoop tonight.

Lighthearted, kind of strange in a quirky way, predictable but I think they meant it – which means it’s okay and it really was quite funny although I can see why people wouldn’t like it. If you’re after a fun evening that won’t jar your brain, definitely bother.

I have somehow missed the whole Woody Allen thing… so I can’t compare it with any other of his films (as I don’t know what they are)… I didn’t realise he was in the film until afterwards.

For my, ‘have a sleep in the afternoon’ state this was the perfect entertainment – movie form. I very much enjoyed myself. Scarlett Johansson seems to be able to make something of most roles and as a general rule, post experience, the movie will ‘be okay’ if she’s in it.

There were some absolutely wacky bits. Quite different.

Another movie I’ve seen recently is Elizabethtown. It is a little in the flavour of Garden State, but clearly not half as well acted. I still quite liked it. It got me laughing. Characters weren’t as well developed but still likeable. Orlando Bloom is a boring actor (or looks like a girl/elf) and Kirsten Dunst’s Claire is just odd. I have been warned not to watch it a second time, I am pleased I caught it a first.


dali-slee.jpg“I have friends asking me to tell them when you’re getting married so that they’ll know when they can move in.” – Isobelle (my housemate) and it made me laugh.

That’s it. Full on, really thoughtful blog. Evil Monday nights. After a shopping trip where I forgot to get eggs and a brief catch up with my yitsers in scoffing some well wanted food – cheers to Dave for living a good 2 minutes away, I came home. There, I chugged fairly steadily through most of my homework/class prep. required for tomorrow. I am kind of stressed out in the tired, too much on, way

I’d love a little head space, a little extra time, a little more creative genius and the handicraft to match.

I spent $8 on a photocopier today. The rate of paper we go through at uni is terrifying… and I bet I’ve said that before.

Wednesday morning I have another meeting regarding my exemption. It’d be really quite useful and helpful to get this one – prayer would be nice. A little eloquence, a little confidence, a little preparedness and some God very present.

Humor Life Uni