helpSomebody asked me the other day whether I was nervous about my uni application and I said no. Last night I realised that I’ve spent the past few moments (over several days) before drifting off to sleep thinking about what would be good say during the interview (if I got one) – so maybe I unintentionally lied just a little.

After hassling the mostly non-existent receptionists at Swinburne’s design faculty yesterday over my non-existent letter, “What’s going on?”. I waited somewhat eagerly for the postman and had just checked the box for the second time when I saw the standard bright orange two houses down.

Swinburne logo on the envelope. Grab, tear, scan. I now have successfully an interview on the 1st of December at 11:15am. It goes for 15 minutes.

Between now and then I have to properly put a folio together and at the moment I’m dithering around not really knowing what to do with myself.

Design General Uni

shoes.jpgI’ve been without a camera for a good while now and after borrowing Geoff’s for a few days, I’m pretty desperate to start working my way towards one again. Then there are all these other things in the way… moving out. That is something high on the agenda.

Photography is a hobby and probably will remain only at that level. I’d love to work with it for a bit and then there’s the old dream job that never quite evolved… photo journalism. I think part of me would hate to be constrained through a contract. Taking unique photographs isn’t easy. People today are so thingy about being photographed (People photographs have a lot of scope…) I love details. Macro photography, Portrait type photography.

I haven’t gotten my Communication Design Interview date yet. I’ve been chasing the postbox. I should get a letter regardless of whether my ‘sample folio’ was good enough or not. It was supposedly meant to be here yesterday. My sister’s friend is in the same boat. Same course, same delay.

I fit some photography in during this year. It was the best bit of uni and strictly elective based. The Communication Design course does have some photography built into the structure but there is not quite as much flexibility for taking electives across faculties.

If/When I get an interview there will be a slightly panicked moment or 43 about how non-diverse my work is. My folio (when I pull it all together) consists mainly of photography and digital art (mostly from photographs with a few exceptions). I haven’t drawn anything since I was about 15 and the most recent thing I’ve painted is the picture at the top (last night at the Youth Group Art night).

Oh well, I guess I’ll meet that lion when it comes my way.

Design General Photography Uni

bottleofwine.jpgI side stepped backwards through Craig’s blog today into a blog of a guy I’d heard a bit about already from Geoff. The Journey – Rodney Olsen. I was moseying around there and found a post on eavesdropping.

I do it without thinking, and find great delight in overhearing odd bits of wisdom from people I don’t know. Perhaps my own life simply isn’t entertaining enough, but I’ve learnt a fair bit from ‘the woman behind me to my left’. The eavesdrop is the one reason that I don’t hate public transport outright. It’s intriguing if anything and makes for good imagination food and good blogging matter. Funnily enough, God’s shown me stuff through things I’ve seen or overheard. I’m not exactly sure if I should be advocating passive prying into other people’s lives, but is something I do.

I’ve been watching and listening to my friend Sam’s new venture of a ‘morning collage’ and have been thinking a while about how appealing people’s scrapbooks (not the show off your photos kind) are.

I’d like to start one. Keep one. Go and do silly things like listen in to people and record it a different way than just the standard excess of words.

It can’t hurt to develop creativity. Play with design and colour. I already keep small masses of irrelevant items, like old metcards and movie tickets. Notebooks are never far away and glue is pretty cheap.

I’ve tried before unsuccessfully to keep a ‘design’ notebook. I’m not good at drafting and I prefer to make up my ideas as I go directly into creating a final piece. I don’t recommend it.

I am far too often stuck in a digital realm. I think it’ll be good for me to go a little wild.

The only problem is, I’m bound to end up wanting to blog it.

Culture Design General

stoned illustrationHow’s this for a find! When Sam and I were poking around an opshop I found a small invitation card with this illustration. For 10c it was a must have.

Design General

snooty foxI do like this logo!

(and the food was pretty good… and the place was quite nice, and the company, well!)

Design General Life Relationships