Back in July I talked about my first paid design gig. The invitations went to print quite a while back and I’ve finally received copies.

The invitation as a whole is fairly comprehensive – four parts. The formal invitation, event details, a reception details card and an rsvp card.

They’ve been printed beautifully – I didn’t arrange the printing for this one, as she knew a printer and got a fairly good deal on some verkotype a kind of heat/emulsion process of plastic wax where the pages go through twice so the text comes out raised. I’m fairly sure this is a less expensive method than embossing.

The seal was also turned into a wax stamp for closing the envelopes.

If you are after someone to design wedding invites or other, then please shoot me an email. I do not do this formally so availability and pricing are available upon request.

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Design Wedding Work

About a month after our ‘idealistic’ due date for getting wedding invites out, we have belted the crap out of the mammoth task.

I had printed them a while back at home and my printer is still yet to recover, and we had pre-cut them all a few days before (thanks Ron and Geoff) and had to do all the folding, tying, cutting, writing…

Much thanks to Jess (for no less than three varieties of cupcakes), Caren (for the use of her house and her help), Ana, Laura, Anne, Geoff, Mum, Ron (who cut them up), Dad (who hassled me about addresses)…

So by tomorrow they should hopefully all be enveloped and sent out.

Laura I think had the most daunting task: ‘the fold’. When I have the invites on hand I will show a clearer photo of a ‘working model’. They look fantastic! I’m very happy with the result.

Cheers to all who indulged my invitation idea. It was no mean feat.

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thursday-birds.jpgI had to laugh, someone found my blog today while searching for: “Are the Flinders Ranges boring?”

I wound up tracking their search back to the post I wrote post-holidays a few years back. It made for quite an interesting read. I don’t write super-descriptively, intentionally most of the time but I must of been having a plug at it. Some of my writing is really quite interesting and beautiful… anyway, I’ll get off my high horse. If you care to read (it’s quite long) and be amused by what a melancholic soul I was back then then, you’d better make the trek back here.

Thank goodness for change. One thing has not, and it is quite disappointing:

“And in typical Bec fashion, must criticize the curtains for their lack of taste, being old lady flower print. Bad, bad habit, that I should work on breaking, I’m always looking to improve, overly quick to pick a negative – I do it everywhere.”

I shall have to do something about that.

It’s interesting tonight, because here I am with just me. It is such a rare thing. I cooked enough dinner for about four people. I decided later I had way too much food but anyone I asked was busy or both busy and vegetarian. Ha!

Engagement throws you into some kind of whirlpool of anti-introspection. You go from busy to insane. It’s a different way of living and it’s a funny thing trying to work out how to live it when you aren’t even really considering it. I love Geoff to the core and wouldn’t change anything but I do think that I need to now begin to understand growth in different terms.  My introspection has gone bust – spectacularly and beautifully in terms of time.  Selfishness is a fluro blip when there’s another concerned and at times you feel shockingly human. Your growth is more in your doing than in your thinking and in the evidence and through encouragement of another person. I need to let the internal beg continue to take stock and enjoy the moment.

Blogging Holidays Life Relationships Wedding

Well as of tonight Geoff and I are in search of some pre-marriage counselors… nope nothing’s gone horribly wrong in our relationship (it’s going quite alright thank you!) but we had it all nicely lined up and were on a bit fat waiting list and now (as I’m inclined to say at the minute), we have been shafted.

Of course the couple were nice about it, but as it is, we’ve already left it late because we’ve been waiting and now we have to go find someone else.

There is one potential up our sleeve – they live a bit away but it’s doable, but some prayer would be nice. We’re 9 weeks out from getting married (or so I’m told) and it’s one of the things we are really keen on doing and think is important.

Pretty sure we’ll wind up doing the Prepare course. Anyone done this one?


Today Geoff and I printed wedding invites – well half of them… It turned out that inkjet or paying someone was our only option, as the paper I’ve bought doesn’t run through a laser printer due to too much texture (Which really isn’t much at all) and the printer not being hot enough. Inkjet’s a slow going, but my lovely printer (thanks Geoff) has done a marvelous job. Sure a font strangely disappeared when I got into change something in Indesign DESPITE it still being installed AND showing up elsewhere, and the page I tried printing just now went a bit funky – I think it’s had enough – but I’m happy, because thus far they look really good, and after we track down a guilettine and cut away and fold and stick and tie and whinge how we should have done them less fiddly, they’ll be even better.

I shall give evidence when I have a completed item but for now… I’m going to bed.

General Wedding