Wednesday night.
Out all day. YITS’ing. Particular highlights being LS (lifeskills) class taken again by Becki S more about Boundries. Not quite as good as last week, can’t place why – I think everyone was a bit asleep. CAF duty (the Tabor Cafe – staffed by Carmen, Katie and the YITS crew). Always on with Katie, Michael, Kat and Sara. Sara and I clean, I generally do food as well – it’s usually just me, today she didn’t even bother to come in, saw her ordering food. Should be frustrated but I’m not. Have good relationship with Katie despite only seeing her once a week (no this is not YITS Katie).
Spent the afternoon at the Casino 😛 indeed. So we’ve done the outdoors, the cathedral, the shopping centre, now the casino. Did not end up going into the gaming section as Jo had her backpack with her and they weren’t happy with that… the so called cloakroom avoided our quick scan of the room so we decided not to bother and wandered awhile, bumped into some other groups and eventually found ourselves at a table in the food court – the alternative being outside in the rain. Lovely rain.
Intention was to blah blah… I’ll eventually get round to working that out and might come write some back here. Write a Psalm being one task, but I found that didn’t really work.
Met the others at 3:30. Long trip back to the car, Alecia realised she left her jumper back near McDonalds so she and Sam went back and would meet Jess and I between the Exhibition building and Crown. Anyway (hmm this is strange just blabbing on about the day). Somehow directions as to where to meet them got confused, there being two Hotel (I’ve forgottens) and Jess and I circumnavigated the Spencer St area of the city missed them the second time and after about 5 phone calls met them where we originally had planned to find them.
Drove home, Jess majorly late for something, listened to Mike Pilovachi (whatever name) some Soul Survivor sermon thingo – prty good except I don’t do just listening usually, and I would have much prefered mindless music of some kind. More rain. Ended up somehow talking about ‘kissing first only on wedding day’ and the (non)validity/validity of that. (mind not made up entirely – yes but no. ask me if you really want to know because I need to think about it some more).
Home. Tea. Now. No time to stop as yet. I have a feeling I have loads to do. Unimpressed because I have to get up early to work tomorrow. Strange desire to watch Little Women (don’t ask why). Need to think about this afternoon more and whatever I got or was meant to get out of it. Can’t work out what kind of day I really had. Need to write, which is why I’m on here. Laughed at a very random email (thankyou :)). Glad cooking was successful last night, the second of late – Jo’s help may have been the reason. Thought I should read ‘Came Back to Show You I Could Fly’… so I could decide whether to agree or not w/ A on his essay, and because I’ve forgotten it. Want to finish reading the Boundries book. Have to work out which Pract. Evang questions to do with Melina tomorrow. Intention to write a to-do list, which I think I have just done. Figured I have just bored the face off whoever bothered to read this.
7:09. whole evening to fill.
now to decide what to do with it.
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