Remarkable timing. Today Tabor kindly sent me my graduation photo. I had just finished opening the envelope and then who should call…
A highly excited Jess informs me that I MUST go and visit the Deakin Arts office. It appears that I can claim 4 credit points from having done YITS.
Well there you go. Now I just have to work out how that fits into the scheme of things.
So YITS is good for something
wow. How many credit points do you get per subject at uni?
We get 15 at La Trobe
i get 6 credit points per subject at monash. it might be 4 for some arts subjects i think (not sure though).
was i meant to get my tabor graduation photo sometime as well?
maybe it will come tomorrow.
oh and also …. do you go through box hill quite often between uni? i go there everyday. we should rendezvous there one day. (are you there this week or have you finished?)