A bit more obscurity to keep you guessing

What a terrifyingly excellent day!

Picture from Exploding Dog, “and you don’t know what’s inside” just to be thoroughly obscure.

Church: Pete was all over the place this morning, kept me on my toes – some good points though! Prophesy time this morning is also worth noting (despite me being so far back and some of it hard to hear) some stuff in there for me I think. If I’m allowed to take them personally (as well as corporately). Trust trust etc.


  1. said:

    and much speculation ensued!

    exploding dog is goooood.

    July 9, 2006
  2. said:

    I must admit – I can’t help but speculate…..

    July 10, 2006
  3. said:

    Speculation my eye!

    July 10, 2006
  4. said:

    Whatever could you mean dear Laura?

    July 10, 2006
  5. […] the one year mark off that Geoff and I have been ‘going out’. This time last year I was dancing around sharing the news – in the excited/avoiding way, not the literal interpretation. Unfortunately although the literal […]

    July 9, 2007

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