Call it laziness but Chrisso over on Gush has a point and I’m going to quote it all – with permission.

In the last week, four separate people have justified different sins or inappropriate / harmful behaviour to me (or i’ve heard from someone else) by saying that God wants them to be happy.

Scenario one – mate of mine, is moving in with his girlfriend in a couple of weeks’ time because he ‘knows that they have something special together and God knows their hearts and knows they are happy’. Isn’t that what God wants?

Scenario two – a friend of a friend of mine! She has been doing topless waitressing at a bar in Melbourne and doesn’t see a problem with it. Now they have offered to train her as a stripper (heck, I didn’t even now you needed training!!). She enjoys her job and says that its ok because she’s not ‘doing anything’.

Scenario three – (a little closer to home) A guy I know will get high often, sometimes before church, because he feels the Spirit moving better. He’s in the greatest state of happiness during that time, so it must be of God?

Scenario four – my old youth leader and his wife. She cheated on him because they had marriage issues and she had been unhappy and depressed for ages without him even noticing. She was happy with while it lasted but came to realise that sin was not outweighed by the fact that she enjoyed it.

Which brings me to the point. God certainly wants us to be happy. In fact, several times he asks us to be joyful always. But, as comfortable as the idea is, God is not ‘our mate’. He isn’t a ‘good bloke’ and He won’t sit back and smile indulgently as we, His children, make mistakes. He doesn’t justify them as long as we’re happy.

I think, on the contrary, that our happiness in sin is repulsive to Him. He wants our obedience above any amount of happiness for us. If we are sinning to get it, that happiness is both pointless and hurtful. And God is not mocked.

God doesn’t promise happiness. In truth, he promises hardship, the narrow and steep path. He promises persecution and hate from our peers. And, to top it off, He wants us willing to die for Him. So willing, that in fact, we should already be dead to what we want so that our death shouldn’t come as if we lose anything at all.

I’ve been really convicted lately about the things I do. I mean, I might not be moving in with my boyfriend, and I mightn’t work at a strip club, but I do make countless choices each day that God hates. The selfish choice to stay and watch tv when I know someone else is washing the dishes. It might not be huge in humanistic terms, but I perceive at the time that my greater happiness lies in watching tv. So I ignore doing the right thing, and in so doing, have done just what so frustrates me about some other people.

I have chosen my version of how I can be happy above how I know God wants me to act, and therefore over His version of happy.

PEACE OUT. But not too peaceful.


bird.jpgSorry to bore you with the finer details (besides, I’ve got to have an excuse to check out WordPress 2.1… as Geoff just upgraded it all for me!) but today I went to Kmart. I went to get a few things, one of those being a towel – I already have decent one (despite gloriously fine bleach spots) and one ultra crummy one, so I was looking for one more.

There was lots of homeware stuff on sale and I really like big towels, so I’m wandering past and I see ‘Mega Towel’ and some cheapish price. Right, I think, It’s got to be equivalent of a bath sheet, which being honest is what I like best. So I get it home and open it up and it is utterly MASSIVE. Like huge, almost sheet size. If you fold it in half I can still get the width around all of me! I figure if I get desperate ever for more, I can cut it in half. Until then it can just take up 3 towel racks and the whole washing line.

This is not the kind of towel I’d opt to use on say, towel day.


driving back from CanberraI seem to have not quite gotten around to going to bed yet. Anyway figured I’d point out that there are a few new photos up on my Flickr account. They stretch back to the tastes-so-moreish-because-it’s-so-amazingly-good dinner that Geoff cooked for me and New Years Eve, forward to the wedding in Canberra. I had a bit of fun taking photos after stealing Geoff’s camera and remembered how much I miss getting that ‘really good’ photograph – the ones you end up dropping into a folder that is more easily accessible if you ever need to produce the stunners. NB. I have only got this in a very abstract kind of way and haven’t quite had the opportunity to flash the nice ones around – at least not so to earn me enough money to actually buy a replacement camera. Alas, the poor hobby must be put on hold. I must pay rent, food, bills, uni-books, petrol and 21st birthday presents first.

General Photography

green kettleThis afternoon I mention to mum that perhaps I should do a bit of an op-shop/other-shop crawl to get a few more things for moving out. So we did. It yielded some very positive results namely (of which I am most pleased) a pyrex casserole dish thing which – when you are restricted to a very small convection oven is pretty much what you need. Did I mention it cost me $2, and the lid becomes it’s own dish?!

A little pathetic, but homewares do kind of float my boat.

After talking about getting cheap kitchen stuff a couple of nights ago. My mum chimes in with her never ending knowledge of all things shopping, that if you really need to, you can get your basic toaster/kettle/sandwich-press for about $10 at say… Aldi, The Warehouse even Big W or K-Mart. Despite the fact that I do already have such things (inheriting ancient white-goods is after all the cheapest means) the comment my Dad made regarding sweat shops directly after Mum’s low-cost bombshell has left me… I’d say sweating, but that’s too corny – a fraction disturbed.

As much as you can skimp, borrow, glean from op-shops and Grandparents there are some things you wind up buying – or even needing to buy new. I really don’t advocate spending money buying really old tea-towels.

There is an almighty problem when you start to think about environmental/social-awareness issues because it elaborates in to one almighty ball of fire, an appealing one but realistically ugly and enormous. This becomes particularly difficult thinking about it all from the experience of being on a low budget. I am a uni student, moving out of home for the first time and someone who only very recently got their job back, in fact I haven’t even started working yet- my budget is low. Quite low.

Getting home I jump back on trusty Google and attempt to yield some kind of brilliant search where I can get something that isn’t going to leave me wishing I’d waited until I were a millionaire to move out.

To be fair the results were pretty dry.

I did manage to come across Green Pages Australia, and it’s nice to know something of the kind is out there but that doesn’t do a whole lot of good for the monetary constrained student who wants a in-state means to get those practical things that’ll leave her with a cleaner conscience.

Am I overthinking this? Can I justify ignoring it? Is it something you can even easily deal with on a slightly weightier budget? Can I compromise on some things if I only worry about a few? What is a realistic way to manage ethical concerns?

As a side note I started discovering things about ‘green’ graphic design… a whole field of soon-to-be reality I need to explore.

Christianity General Life Social Justice

01_smitten.jpgPending a conversation about the all important, life enriching internet access I will be moving out on the first weekend of March!

Not according to prior plans (which is unfortunate because I was very much looking forward to living with Spanna and hey who knows, I might still end up in a place with her some time) I am not moving out with Analise – at least not straight away/this time. I am moving out with Isobelle. Ana has of course an open invite and a reserved spot on the sofa-bed.

Yes the place is small. Too small for three. It’s pretty much a glorified granny flat behind Iz’s sister’s house, but: it’s cheap, it’s new, the bedrooms are actually bigger than where I currently hermit, we don’t have to deal with real estate agents, a bond etc. and we can move in pretty well straight away.

Why wait three weeks or so? Well, Iz is off to Tassie, I have a youth camp and we’ve both got orientation stuff at uni (okay one day) and all that starting up, so that’s simply the way it works best.

It’s a bit bizarre thinking about all. I’ve been talking out getting out for years.

If you have a spare:

  • Microwave
  • Wireless Router
  • Coffee Table
  • Other stuff

lying around, and it’s not made of asbestos give me a yell.

Alternatively, shoot me an email.

General Life