teach-australia-logoI haven’t been able to talk about this before and suddenly I am free to, in many ways it has happened very quickly and in others it has taken an age. Earlier this year Geoff (Husband) started seriously considering what it would take to drop I.T and  become a secondary school teacher. We had a look at some of the options: going back to do a postgrad and what that would involve, particularly as I’m just about to finish uni and find a real job. Then this program Teach for Australia came on the the radar. And why not? Geoff just came in under the 5 year limit for having left uni, so he applied. And within a week had an interview. And not long after that, the interview, which went well. And a week or so after that it became a reality. That’s the bit that happened quickly.

The biggest thing – besides a complete career change for Geoff is that Teach for Australia requires you to be ‘placed’. Many of the locations are rural as the program puts you in a ‘disadvantaged’ (in some way shape or form) school. As much as I don’t really care a dot where we move (I actually quite like moving now and then as I’m so used to it and to be honest I’m really sick of the current house we’re in), I would like to use my degree and get a job. The further you roam from the city, the less frequent graphic design jobs get. So we waited. Put preferences in: Northern Metro (still a decent move, but closest to family/friends/current community and getting to the city is still feasible), Western Metro (closer to the city but further from family/friends/current community), Shepparton (change of plans, we’re moving to the country, far far away, but we can save money because living in woop woop is cheap). And waited, and waited. And last night we got a phone call.

We’re moving North.

There are a number of other things that have/will make the whole processes easier in regards to living situation and some ties with people over there, but I might hold off to talk about that stuff. Geoff talked to his work today – rather than waiting until minimum time (because of various circumstances), and thankfully he has a job until he needs it. Which is primary reason I haven’t mentioned this earlier.

In November, Geoff wanders off and does 6x days a week for 3 weeks live on campus intensive training, comes back over Christmas for 2 weeks and then off again for another 3. I’m naturally quite pooed about the whole I practically not seeing him during this time, but it gets us where we need to go, so I’ll have to suck it up and use the time to pack the house.

I have every confidence Geoff will make an exceptional teacher, I think it suits him far more than IT does and he has plenty of support (coming from a family of teachers).

So. Lots of changes ahead. And I shall be blogging them, despite this place having been so poorly tended in the past six months.

Geoff is blogging his teachering antics at Son of a Teacher Man

Experiments Life

rabbitYou may recall the rabbit, with whom I am slightly in love and would love to hang on the wall instead of prop up on top of a bookshelf but am confounded by living in rental. He comes from Etsy seller MademoiselleG. And speaking of which – Australia dwellers – now is a good time to buy overseas Etsy things.

I have a few endeavors floating around in my head – that involve making things:

  • The first is to have a go at some more painting – something less abstract.
  • To dry felt (which I have not done, but have seen done and it looks simple enough) a moe onto a grey felt laptop case – which I will also make. I’m not a huge fan of most dry felting (in how it looks) but this idea works in my head.
  • To finally get hold of my dad’s electric sander so I can finish the pallet coffee table
  • Learn how to knit better i.e. quickly and nicely enough to make something worth keeping

I really rather enjoy trying new things, making things, growing things, changing things. Would love, love, love to do a short illustration course, but not sure where to find one that lines up with what I want to do. All the uni short-courses are about traditional line drawing people and portraits and I just want to do the err, cutesy stuff.

  • I also need to make becmatheson.com look more presentable and update the hell out of it
  • Write more (of calibre and not just blog entries)
  • A bookbinding course would also be fun, and useful!

Other exciting things happening to indulge myself are that Cat and I and who knows who else are starting a book club based on that plethora of Penguins. I am quite excited. Although not sure how I’ll go talking about books as my short term memory is appalling. Notes Rebecca. Notes.

Things I will probably never get into:

  • Quilting/Patchwork (sorry ladies, I’m just not a fan – except of the very very traditional ones and then only rare cases, most of them look naff)
  • Tapestry/Needlework
  • Making my own clothes – I could be convinced, but I’d doubt I’d have the patience
  • Cross-stitch – had my stint of this when I was younger, now it’s like pixelly pictures but WAY less cool.

Create Design Experiments Holidays


Lets see if I can grow something… I used to like gardening when I was younger. So can’t be bothered putting in any effort while in a rental though.

Chives, Parsley, Basil, Mint.

Just the basics.

Experiments Holidays Life Sustainable


Shock horror, I can paint. Yes I cheated and used a technique from a book called The Weekend Artist, but I needed something to kick me up the bum and suggest again to myself that I could.

I’ve never really done abstracty stuff before with paint, nor have I ever used gel medium. Infact for a while it looked like there was snot all over the top section of the painting until I bought a little more red paint to the rescue, dont’ think I’ve quite got the hang of using it properly. Gel medium can be used to make acryllics looks a bit more like oils and it took freaking forever to dry in this lovely cold Melbourne – I might as well have used oils. In this photo the varnish on the lower half is still drying.

It’s no masterpiece, but it sure was fun!

Design Experiments Holidays