Soul Survivor is nearly here. Geoff and I are relatively involved – between the website (and the new mysteries of Joomla), movies, village hosting and various other things such as opting in for a few shifts serving food and making cofee. Physical preperation begins in earnest on Monday and the festival kicks of Wednesday afternoon. Geoff and I will be armed with a bigger tent and better lilos than previous years. I will also faithfully lug around my camera and take full advantage of opportunities there. Prayer would be great for all those involved in getting things together and those speaking or running seminars and workshops. I am also involved somewhat in the Gospel Online workshop… full report to come.
A belated wedding present from Tim S. We were after a wine rack, saw this and got it instead – multi purpose. I swear it looked a much lighter colour in the shop but I think it almost suits better. I might change the handles one day as they are a bit country for me and gold isn’t really my thing, but they aren’t that bad and I think the whole thing is rather lovely. It’s moments like these that make our old semi-broken birch-veneer ‘entertainment unit’ look really crappy.
I am in the process of repurposing a pallet to become a coffee table. I bought some supplies this morning, although might need to get my hands on a planer or/and electric sander – it’s very slow going with the good old piece of cork wrapped in the diy stuff. We may also get a piece of glass for free – which will cut back the cost even more. Haven’t worked out if I should stain the pallet… probably not.
Geoff and I recently, tentatively are beginning the move from Yarra Valley Vineyard to Ranges Community Church. We love Yarra Valley and think they do exceptional things and serve the community of Lilydale well, we like the people, we have lots of ties there, both our families are there, we got married there. YVV has grown remarkably in the last while and there is still a gaping pull there for me with the youth, it’s a good place.
It’s interesting, transition. I am marvelously familiar with it due to my highly nomadic upbringing although I must say it was often more of a wrench and a snap than something that brewed – a shift in perspective or perhaps just direction.
Many of you might know that Geoff and I spend a fair bit of time thinking about church, mind you, sometimes it doesn’t feel like it and I think that Geoff’s thinking probably translates in to practicality more than my ideas – which have never actually evolved into something concrete – they are still floating quite abstractly. Regardless, we’re keen to one day be involved in something a bit different. Ranges isn’t violently out-there. It’s definitely much smaller and unfortunately even further from us and not in our local community. It’s a different and perhaps older (or at least less peer based) group for us. It’s not an end point. It might be a mid-term thing, it might be a long mid-term thing. We do like how Ranges try things out. I like feeling a bit more at home despite still getting very slowly get to know people. I can feel the heartbeat at Ranges. YVV’s is hiding from me, which is as much my own fault and not really to do with them at all.
There are some other spin off things that will potentially happen via some of the people we know at Ranges, things that will land closer to our locale. A chance to try some stuff out with some others.
I am not after a perfect church, I am after one that acknowledges imperfection and maybe doesn’t care if things aren’t exceptionally done, where everyone is responsible. Small suits who I am or at least the starting point for getting me closer to thinking about things and doing things.
I need to come away from church encouraged. I like to come away from church thinking. And I am scared about it but would be better off coming away from a church where I am doing things and pushed to do things.
And the whole ‘doing things’ bit is not at all same as ‘being in ministry/leading youth’ but I can’t quite explain it.
By the way: changing churches is not the cure-all nor is it meant to be the cure. Simply speaking, I think I need to learn again how to be a part of the Church.
On a slight shift, I was poking around the Ranges website and the blogs listed on there and thought this post Walter Brueggemann on View from a Room was worth sharing.
For the past while I have been shopping around for a coffee table. I’s feel unethical spending $1,000+ on a table as well as finding it somewhat ridiculous and am still hesitant to spluge even $500. I’ll pay $300 but thus far to no avail – I am after something fairly light in colour, real wood and wouldn’t mind a magazine shelf. I am getting sick of furniture shops, and I like furniture shops! So this is my next solution. Anyone have a spare pallet lying around? Or at least another idea?
…gosh it’s mad, I really do want one. I’ll buy a proper one when I’m old, loaded and forgetful of my conscience.
Ah! And here is another one… slightly more refined.
It is entirely up to me to eventually work out which are feasible, but it is now 2009 and there are, however ridiculous: resolutions or I could term them idealutions, at least that way there is leeway in sidestepping the mark.
2009 came in moderation, not with a bang. There were no fireworks, but we had sparklers, music, champagne, a marquee and a few friends. I most enjoyed the early morning introduction to ’09. First up after a less than perfect sleep in a tent on less than flat ground, but there was an eggshell sky and sun, a silent field and moment of the same before it went to the crapper and the clouds and we got some rain.
The news continues to talk about 2008 as a non-highlight and begs hope out of the new year. I am inclined to disagree with the former statement however the word hope is a sweet one that should live on.
In a moment of introspection (aka. now) here are my highlights of the past and hopes for the present (with a few true aspirations and undoubtedly top shelf items that I won’t really reach, being short and all).
- January 5th I married my best friend. And consequently spent the rest of the year married to him (to be continued…). It’s been interesting and fun! Needless to say, I really love being married and I really love Geoff! It’s certainly been a wildly contrasting year in regard to all previous years.
- Uni, second semester proved full of inspiring people especially in regards to tutors. I finally felt like I was pulling my weight effectively and got to try things like branding and animation. I have come to the realisation that I mightn’t fit the typical traditional stereotype of ‘graphic designer’ but can work from my interests and strengths and hopefully can levy more out of the web stuff and marry it with my ‘designish eye’.
- Frustration. It seems a weird choice to include it here, but God has increased my frustration with how I live as a Christian and how church can/could operate. It hasn’t gotten too far but there is room for movement and there needs to be room for movement. Some of this is tied up with finishing up with leading youth and being dumped in the deepend of doing nothing.
- And there are the miscellaneous things like: growing friendships with people like Beth and Bri, marvelous restaurants, some great movies and books and some less than typical experiences – like seeing Wicked.
- A bodgy start to the uni year with some super low motivation levels in regard to particular subjects.
- Less investment in certain friendships and not because of want, but because I am a lazy and…
- Feeling so busy and unorganised
Idealutions, resolutions and hopeings
- A slower year, where priorities become priorities and the trivial things are thrown out with the bathwater
- Invested time and head space to enjoy and get the most out of uni
- To be more organised at home
- Eat better, cook nicer food – to be bothered
- Get more fit
- To continue to investigate, read more about, and live out some of the results of the aforementioned frustration
- More time for God…. listen more, write more
- Be less critical of things like traditional church and learn to love what is good and do differently instead of simply getting annoyed.
- Be a part of something that explores doing Church differently, try some things!
- To freelance for a while and to do well at it in terms of being self-disciplined and gain useful experience
- Put together a portfolio, get a design job
- More head in the blog. More faithful writing, less crap. Perhaps make something more of it.
- Release a WordPress Theme (and yes it is in production!)
- Learn to use the Wacom properly and work on practicing drawing/illustration etc.
- Learn more about Flash
- Learn more about Illustrator
- Learn some of the little extra things about webdesign and standards that I might otherwise ignore.
- Get my head around Javascript/PHP etc..
- Continue to work on building a really good marriage and be better at loving Geoff
- Be better at maintaining and developing friendships
- Invest in things like Soul Survivor etc.
- Keep track of the money I spend
- Spend less money
- Own less, give more
- Greater confidence and willingness to try things (especially re. design)
- Days of doing different things, like taking my camera out somewhere foreign or less than usual
- Finish uni, and do well in my final year
- Righteousness and peace… Isaiah 32, Romans 14