summerI grew up without seasons. Permanent summer… sort of. Wet season or Dry season – I never quite worked out why the Dry season was always wetter. The only real distinction was that cyclones were a potential for one or the other and the other part of the year was fine.

This is my excuse for not recalling if we are still in Spring or have moved on to Summer.

Melbourne weather is ridiculous, four of five days ago there was snow on the not so distant mountains and today and tomorrow we’re up to 36 degrees (97 Fahrenheit).

This evening was stunning and the kind I’d like to prolong forever. Sat outside at Geoff’s with our feet in the pool and the sky was about as blue as you can get.

I’ve always loved Psalm 19 go on have a read.

General Holidays Life


a series of names or other items written or printed together in a meaningful grouping or sequence so as to constitute a record.

It’s a semi-tradition at the start of each holiday to write myself a list. I have a secret fascination with a line up of of good old fashioned dot points.

  • When first inspired I’ll type the list
  • When it comes to using the list I’ll generally rewrite it out by hand
  • One of my greatest stationary finds of all time was two tall skinny notebooks ideal for list keeping.
  • My mum writes lists of words starting with the same letter or sound to entertain – herself. I don’t really have to wonder where I got the habit from.
  • I used to and still enjoy finding things that I can categorise, so that I can start and restart lists
  • I find immense satisfaction (more than I’ll ever let on) about crossing something off a list
  • I’ve been known to add something to my list just so I can cross it off
  • Lists help me to accomplish tasks
  • I spent a very large percentage of time keeping lists of ‘what to study, when’ in Year 12 and used them to great effect, my study habits have never been as good as when I had this first class system.
  • I always regret not writing a ‘to do on my holiday list’ during the non-holiday period
  • Lists help me to remember
  • I love lists and I fully understand that dot pointing all this stuff is an incredibly daggy and pathetic way to prove a point.

So my holiday list is at a decent length already. Some is time bound, cost bound, necessary, hopeful, maybe… I’ll refine it as I go.

I can now successfully cry about calling up the Department of Justice Speeding Fine information line to request that they fine me again. (Don’t ask how, but I lost the paper before I could pay up). My only consolation is that I can cross something out on my list of things to do..

…and for those who have been on my back for months about booking a physio appointment, fear not! It is on my list.

General Holidays Life Personality

I don’t really know what to think.

It hasn’t been the best of days, nor the worst.

Nearly at the end of To Kill a Mockingbird where Tom Robinson is judged guilty (for those who are familiar with the book) when innocent- it’s been many years since I last read it. Which has made me so, so angry at the stupidness of the human race and their selfishness.

I saw a guy arrested tonight, or being led away at least. Perhaps this evoked the stronger reaction to the book? A young (possibly Sudanese – there are a few round this area) guy. Felt very, sad I guess. The police were doing their job, the guy was obviously in the wrong – I wasn’t a resentment or a speculative, “Oh, what’s he done?”. Just sad.

We were at Adelaide’s Central Market. I was smashing my head that I’d left the camera at home after offloading the card of this-morning’s photos of the National Motor Museum (Birdwood). Colour everywhere. A pity sometimes photos can’t entirely, if at all capture the smells, they reach an indisinguishable point where they blend in to one, tomatoes, with fish, with nuts, with olives. Patterns and shapes and smells and textures… makes me feel the ‘S’ side of my ‘N’ 😛

Dinner at the food court. Packed out with people. Hot. Smelt like every kind of asian food imaginable – which would be okay except I was feeling a bit sick, and hyper from having to eat so late. The guy where I got my Yiros (why don’t they call them Souvlaki’s or Kebabs in SA?) dumped onion and tatziki on mine before I could say no… I rather like hommus (just A LOT) and didn’t get any :\ I was too tired to complain. Very hard to find seats, we got some by hanging round waiting for people to finish eating, quite an accomplishment for seven people.

Hannah and I have been almost um, ‘chummy’ (?) the past few days. Hanging around waiting in the car, messing with photos with me. Then tonight she nearly walked into a guy – who also didn’t see her and he let out an almighty yell (this is in the middle of a crowded area). Very funny. I was the only one of us around her. Nice to share something like that.

And yes.
There was one thing more, but it is too hard to explain without knowing me and who I was and it’s kind of silly and I’m too tired. (enough suitable excuses?) You don’t need to know. It is not earth shattering, it just messed with my head that’s all.

So, my day:
Motor Museum
And a lot to mess with my head.

Books General Holidays Life

11:44pm VIC(time) 28/9/05

I spent all day here alone doing my assignment; the rest went to Hahndorf (German historic village thing). I didn’t mind, I wanted the time alone. I got it done eventually, it took me a while to get started, fairly happy with the result.
Got on msn for a bit. Some of those really good/important/decent conversations that get cut short – bit frustrating.

This evening we went to Hawkers corner via Officeworks. Wendy was buying a computer or something. Emily and Hannah were having fun with a label machine, after, “So long and thanks for all the fish”, Laura made me one, “Gush is my life” – I stuck on my wallet – Gush is hardly my life, but it’s a cool sticker. I made another, which I will send to a certain someone to deal with.

Hawker’s corner, if you are from Adelaide you probably know of it. Indian/Chinese/Malay/Thai food all in one. I had butter chicken and garlic nann, yum, ha despite curry having grown on me I’m a creature of habit. Butter Chicken hardly counts as curry – Em thought it was spicy – it wasn’t. (That’s Indian curry that has grown on me, Thai curry is not good at all). Anyway, I was in the line ordering and Hannah behind me, started laughing, and the older guy behind me gave me a funny look. Later I find out I have an, “Okapi are ace” sticker on my back… Hannah’s doing. The older guy pointed it out to her and she had to explain first that she put it there and that Okapi are animals.

In front of Laura and I was this pedantic freak of a woman (ok I’m tired) she was arguing her ordering with the poor guy behind the counter, acting kind of racist, it annoyed me, then she pulled out her calculator and gave a condescending scowl when the price was correct – had me to the point of rolling my eyes and a sorry smile (though I dare say I don’t give them very well, more like a ‘what a pain she is’ smile), I was nudging Laura who was being eternally patient, as always, I think she was as annoyed as I was.

During dinner, a younger guy hanging round waiting for empty plates and stuff – was interesting he was watching our table I think, that and the TV. I stood on his foot when we got up to leave – ha, sort of missed seeing him, such a me thing to do. Wendy doing her usual chattery thing, telling him that it was 5 years since we’d been there. I do remember it from last time. It’s worth an occasional visit, not much for eating atmosphere – too noisy for me, but that’s not why you go there. I was outrageously full afterwards

Also, what’s with South Australians and Farmers Union Iced Coffee? Sure it’s nice, but one of the highest selling drinks!

Played Trivial Pursuit when we got home, all of us but Mum – which is probably a good thing for the rest of us, she’s rather good. It was taking way too long, so we bent the rules a bit. I was losing badly, then made nice comeback and came a tied second with Dad. Wendy won. Majorly outdated, do they make a Gen Y version?

I’m tired now, not sure why, it’s not as if I’ve been doing a whole lot today.
Not as if I’m the hugest fan, but I do like the Delta Goodrem song, ‘Fragile’ – sort of rediscovered it today. It’s piano music a lot of her stuff– which is why I like it, that and she has an amazing voice, pity most of the songs are a bit clichéd.

Mmm anyway. Sleep perhaps. Not a clue what tomorrow holds. 🙂 the world for all I know.

General Holidays Life

Not entirely sure why I started titling these, could be something to do with the fact that I enjoy making up that kind of thing. Words words. I usually wait until after I’ve written then put something up. Did the title first today. So much for saying holidays started last week, whenever, this is the first day where I have nothing. Which is the key to start planning/sorting stuff on what needs – or I want to happen. Bedtimes need to improve. 2:30am last ‘night’ which is terrible, I could blame it on proper coffee and good company. It was both, it’s still stupid of me. Wonder if I can make it to bed before 10?
So, regain the body clock, my habits to work myself back into some sort of properly functioning human being where I can have an indepth conversation without losing the plot 5 min’s in.

[12:53:02 AM] you wanna know somthing else I think?
(please don’t take the wrong way) our late nite
encounters have not been as deep (it’s not even
that…they’ve just been different) in recent times

^ Very true that and entirely my fault.

God, I guess I need to shove otherstuff aside a bit more. I can fool myself thinking that I’ve spent time with you, but it’s not the best of my time. Help me to want to give my first and best time to spend with you. Thank you for what you’ve been this past while – that’s the attitude I’ve had. It should be: for who you are.

It’s funny how things change in interaction with someone, you/others how externally it appears nothing has changed and a week weeks down the track things just feel differnt (often the awkward, sometimes the better).

….more left unsaid.

Appologies to those I’ve had zombie conversations with lately – that would be most of you I’ve talked with. Please please kick me offline if I’m on after 12pm (or earlier if I say :))
I love talking with you, but if I can do it earlier, conversation should be much improved.

General Holidays Life