Before I write anything I will first state that I do not mean (by mentioning any particulars) that I dislike them, in fact I admire them beyond all reason, I love them as friends. Here is evidence I am entirely human which I hope I’ve made extremely clear before this, but if anyone mentioned is cast in a bad light or anything I honestly don’t intend it that way. I cannot entirely guard what I think all the time and I am chosing to be honest about it as I hope if read by those I mention that they would understand.

(and I’m writing the above after this rambling thought has made it into quite a few pages of my journal, it’s good to utilze the slightly more honest medium sometimes, even if your wrists do get sore)

In the past I have looked at character in direct relation to something of myself. Flaws, specifics, strengths. The whole phrase ‘a character flaw’ should first be rendered null and void as flaw is what accentuates and in it’s entirety is character (let me finish before you think of ifs and buts). Flaws are the pock marks, no not the only ones. Character should be defined and remembered as us in our complete screwy wonderful selves. I am a, and have character. Even the most boring person in the world has character.

I have had in the past year tastes of Godly character and a bit more insight – I hope into how God puts the play dough of life through bendings and breakings to make what he wants (yet it’s still play dough hmmm). The volumes of promises that present us as marathon runners with the goal being the only real port of call and the author to write where each next foot should go.

The doxology in Jude that jas alerted me to last night is one such promise, “To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence withouth fault and with great joy…” Jude 12:24

And why character say, not in direct relationship to myself?

I was looking in the mirror and thinking, as you do and somehow it dragged itself on to _ and _. Particularly _ and how she has seemed ot change over this year..*edit*… by this stage I had a very good inkling that I was being thoroughly judgemental.

I started thinking about appearance. If for instance I totally changed myself externally. Bathrooms are females private experimental worlds to do makeup or hair radically differently to waht they would ever dare in public and dispose of any evidence of the childhood game of dressing up. (to slam a disclaimer on this as it is a generalisation and a funny observation, I don’t too seldom indulge but I think if you are female you might know what I’m talking about) Pretend.

How much do I change? Does attitude express through style?

In many ways I think we’d like to think so. I cannot however hard I try feel comfortable in non-me clothes. Low risk Rebecca, blend in, don’t care hugely about the latest trend, but don’t want to look like an absolute dag, try nice but not so nice it looks like you’re trying, Bec.

Err okay… lost train of thought for a moment.

Right. _ In considering who I was, I got a forewarned slap in the face. Externally we can be what we want. We can go from brown hair to blue hair, blonde to black. But that is not characer nor even a very sucessful attempt at portraying waht’s inside. Sure they claim goths or hippies or ‘tweens’ express themselves through what they wear. I’m sure we all subconciously at least try, or hide behind whatever brand or the brand of no brand we choose. But characer is different.

In many ways I feel like I am reguritating other people’s good garbage on the whole, ‘there is far more to people’ theory. Perhaps I am. I thought I knew it before tonight, but I now don’t think I’ve fully grasped it.

Watching someone change externally is fun. You don’t always like what yous ee, it is intimidating or wonderful or plastered across Womens Weekly and actually no direct concern of yours at all.

Fat to skinny, plain to beautiful, miss average to the next Mary Donaldson. But when do we watch the internal change? How can you monitor that?

I frequently hit points in my life where, “hey, there is something really different about me” and I either miss, or am happy about the change but I don’t know how it happens. How do you map character?

I was going to launch into some hypothesis I have about the being following doing and how at times it seems to work in reverse, but I think I will end up winding myself into a place where I can be called short and my theory left dry with some sound word butchering what I was trying to say. ie. I haven’t really worked it out myself yet.

External is not everything, not enough of an expression of character.

Being is who we are.

What we do is either a precursor into further shaping that being or extending it to wehre it can be seen and even then more exposed to alteration. I am glad this is no article so I don’t have to come up with a contention or even be very precise.

Maybe character is further removed from simple, complex or daring apperance than we think.

Living true to how we are made? Sure, strive for that.

Renewed minds and not conforming to the world (Romans 12:2), strive for that too.

If a coins value is in what the government gives it and not the image it takes/wears with (that image with) no authority to determine the value, it is just another circular piece of metal with something engraved on it. As is the next coin which may be different again, but of no use until given value. And the next and the next.

Value from authority. And with us that is God.

Analogies. They should only ever be taken as far as to prove a point, beyond which they are flawed, although not like character. Analogies imediately cease to valuable when you hit a flaw. Once the flaw is pointed out they just simply suck.

From my flawed rambly mind, journal and now blog. I give you some headspace.

Christianity General Life

I don’t know if you have seen the movie Crash (2004/5, Don Cheadle, Sandra Bullock) if you haven’t it is well worth making the effort.

The feeling was not disimilar to what I felt after Hotel Rwanda. Less angry, still total frustration at the human race. It is very much based around racial discriminaton not just black vs. white Americans, and the plot is spectacularly woven together from multiple stories. Quite moving, disturbing in the same way that you feel powerless to do anything to stop the world walking its jaunty twisted way.

I was going to go to the young adults group thing tonight, that didn’t happen. I was at Jess’s, Ana was unsure if she was going, my head was choked after the movie, I am unsure whether to tag along at the end of the year or just wait until next year.

Choices. Funny how we think about things and still decide to do them even if they are fruitless, pointless, time wasting and relatively, well, just not the worlds greatest idea.

We went to Chadstone. Hello materialistic capitol of Melbourne. Some ‘mega’ sale on store (ie: all) wide. It wasn’t that great. Traffic was horrendous getting in, we parked smartly in a side street. (Bought David, Jess’ brother along with us) The place was packed. Said hello to Alice in CottonOn. Tried to shop. Didn’t get much. I found the Les Miserables dvd in Borders cheap, which I’ve been after for ages so I got that and a top.

Jess and I had a really good talk in the car on the way there about church and ideas around that and what to do about various friendship circles. Good to challenge her on some stuff and in turn be a bit challenged.

We discussed materialism on the way home. Jess’s, “I’m starting to really get it”. Which is all very well. But actions and words have to match, we did visit a place where it was pretty much rampant with it and although we didn’t buy into much (quite literally) we still entertained the should be now less welcome stranger.

I am quite simply a bit annoyed at myself for bothering to go shopping this evening. I was at the shops earlier today anyway after dropping the silly dvd back and looking for Christmas presents (entirely not very successful) until Jess picked me up.

Such are choices, actions follow them and regrets chase after them like the wind.

General Life Movies

A long time online and nothing much here.

To keep things shortish.

Had a muchly enjoyable day with Sam. Lunch at the ‘new cafe’ didn’t happen as it wasn’t open nor does it serve lunch, the guy very kindly caught us leaving from looking in but could only offer us muffins and not well, lunch. We walked about a km up the road to Morrisons (the usual) after we checked C’s which I discarded becuase I has no atmosphere and uses Curlz MT as a signage font. Bumped into Iain and his car. Decided Morrisons was too expensive so went for burgers from the Charcoal Chicken place.

Walked the town, quite boring this actual place I live. Decided spontaneously to go to the movies (seeing as we now had Iain’s car at hand). Drove all the way there. Decide there was nothing we wanted to see. Ho hummed for ages over renting something (for free as I got phone credit) Sam and I eventually got Bewitched. Drove home. Iain left.

Movie wasn’t terrible, but not real great either. Oh, before that I had to walk the dog, so Sam spent the time questioning me about guys which was funny and a tad annoying all at the same time 😛

That was my day. Nothing profound except for even more relationship orientated conversations, one of those between God and me.

And now I must sleep once this massive file finishes downloading. A whole 27MB which is rather a lot from someone who doesn’t *cough* download certain things (that cough being entirely directed at you Tom).

No Bec does not like anyone.

THANK YOU, another ripper of an article might have to take up the line about singleness and why I am. Although I have yet to entirely figure that all out.

General Life

“Don’t compromise something you would have normally experienced, just because circumstances have changed.”

This is something I said to a friend tonight, I’m leaving it here to think about more – whether it was the right thing to say. Any thoughts? I can’t really share the situation to give you the context.

General Life Words

How to keep going the way I have this year, next year.

Which equates to exponential growth, despite not feeling entirely changed or different.
To let people enrich my life.
To ‘walk in step’ with the Spirit (re: Romans 8:1-17)

This has come up today.

Through this morning’s ‘brunch’ where I sat outside on the verhanda, lazily journalled around the Romans passage and ate my out of habit fruit breakfast (toast all the way normally). I didn’t pick the passage specifically, more opened Bible randomly found a bit I’d underlined and checked it out to see why. Familiarity as the verses were used a fair bit this year particularly in Warwick’s classes. I threw a few questions in the air and tried to answer them by unpicking what was there. Was good, not intentional but I think/hope I got something out of it.

Then tonight after getting home from YITS hangout BBQ at Jess VW’s and I went outside to feed Job. I read a letter Jessmyn gave me, thought a bit about the year and what these people have each meant to me. Looked up at the stars and talked to God for a bit mostly about letting him have next year.

Sometimes when I write stuff like the above, it sounds ridiculously pious. Which is annoying, because it is not, far from it. I shouldn’t have to be concerned about that anyway. Blah, whatever I’m crapping on about I’m just writing what’s in my head.

So next year. Profoundity in that: wanting to continue good habits but still move on so I am not eternally Rebecca of 2005? No probably not. I am different to what I was at the start of this year although exactly how I’m not sure.

I was surprised today when I got to speak to Josh on msn. It’s been what, nearly four years now? Strange having someone you knew but now don’t know. (This is a Solomons person, my future brother-in-law’s brother 😉 I asked him, “So do you think you’ve changed?”, “Oh, probably”

I could answer that question with a definite YES.
But ask me to delve deeper, that would require a lot more defragmenting. The how.

Change, change, change.

It is a good thing.
From which to what?
We are shape shifters.

General Life Solomon Islands