Put a hole in my head and my brain would just drip out onto the keyboard.

Car wash this morning. Disorganised mayhem which had me on the brink of yelling at least three people if not more. Those kind people who gave off the apperence that they were doing something by holding a sponge and waving it didn’t (quite literally) help. There were way too many people on one car at a time. There was no organised system. The second hose was unusable and when usable lasted about ten minuites before breaking. I don’t know exactly how many car’s we did. It took a lot longer than it should have, and it cut into the start of class time. Some short bursts of waterfight type action, I got well and truly wet, but too much stuffing around. Jane has far more patience than I ever will.

I had too much sun, I forgot to bring water so aside from stealling most of Michael’s I have a headache. I can’t be stuffed walking the dog. I should be doing homework, I should be nano’ing. Fat chance. Seriously Michael has no clue when it comes to complimenting people, maybe just who he is, but dropping them left right and centre? I told him to mean it if he said it, didn’t quite work (ie: compliments lack value when overused, ha maybe I should have been more clear.) as he said he does mean them. *shrug*

Aside from that, I’m really quite cheerful. I have Caf tomorrow which means no more carwashing for me. It is wondefully warm. The homework is really not so bad. The nano will be quite enjoyable.

Lets go find drugs for the head and return to life as fully functioning human being.

General YITS

And so Nanowrimo begins. I wrote 555 words last night – was pretty tired and the going was slowish, I think it’ll be faster next time I put fingers to keys. Much thanks to Dave whos typo gave the inspiration for a name. We shall see how this all goes. Why online and not writing right now? Well I intended to finish off some homework this morning – nothing stops the procrastination disease.

Carwash today. I’m getting to Tabor early, 11:30 or so. I believe we’re all going to end up quite wet. Jane deserves to put in a hall of fame or something.

Bought the Ignate CD off of Rowan yesterday. Had it on over breakfast to torture Emily, who after hearing less than a minute decided she hated it. I don’t blame her, it took a bit to grow on me, maybe that I’ve had it coupled with a few situations/incidents/God times that I like it more.

It is going to be fantastically warm today. This is the weather I was born for. Tomorrow even warmer.

Hello November. I like you already.

General Life YITS

Okay. Must thought dump so that it is entirely out of the way so I can get this silly assignment done and face the reality of beginning Nanowrimo tonight (should I happen to stay up to 12:01 which is highly likely).

Monday. I love Mondays, purely because it ceases the ‘I’m so bored, I actually need people’ thing that encompasses most weekends. Despite being introverted, when it comes to being around people I love, people that challenge me, people that make me laugh etc… bring them on!

Troy led the first class, highly challenging as usual, I got to ask some of social justice questions although perhaps not in as great detail as if I had first written them down and came to Stephen and Troy with them. Hey there’s this thing called email, why don’t I use it? Stephen mentioned the Ethical Trade Registry which I will definitely go have a look at. Well, I never thought social justice stuff would bug me like it has thus far. Problem is of course knowing where to start. Adovc8 (Steve’s youthy blog)has a bit to say about it. This is one daunting task when you step back from your own aura of aquaintances.

We had about 2 minutes to quickly write an answer to: What is Jesus on about? (Re: Kingdom of God stuff), part of my scrawl bought up the phrase, “focusing on the indvidual but impacting the global” Might be a very Rebecca coloured glass view but hey, this I think is part of it. I will bring some of this up with my creative metaphor/representation of the Kingdom of God next week. Some of you might recall the time I wrote about the little boy with the deaf father whom I saw on the train, well I’m using some of that. That’s the current plan anyway.

The person I was planning to talk to showed up late. I handed the gush post I’d printed to Tilla who went straight to Jacqui. Didn’t get to talk to her after that, which is all fine, I don’t need to know if/what they are doing about it.

Afternoon break I asked * if she wanted to talk, I got some, “Oh, I have to do something else right now” weakish excuse, I felt no real urgency in following it up just then. Went had accountability time (sorta) w/ Katie and Jo.

Anyway. Warwick doing class on Spiritual warfare (this is class no.2) He was talking about some freedom thing/naming stuff. He told us we’d be paring up. If that wasn’t a blindingly obvious opportunity to talk to her then nothing was. Wrote Katie a note saying I’d be deserting her. Felt strangely kind of afraid or whatever while sitting there which err, I talked to God about and it mostly went away.

Had a really good talk to *. It was meant to be a two way kind of thing, it felt more one way to me all up, but I think that is probably the way God wanted it to go. She talked and talked and I asked questions and we prayed and ha, kept getting the feeling that she had more to say, so prodded her about what was on the post and other stuff that came up. A lot of the questions Warwick gave us to look through surrounded the topic of ‘where you’ve been decieved’ etc… Hey. There was nothing gob smackingly horrific or shocking or anything. Quite normal (dare I generalise) female mind issues and stuff, human issues. Came to something near the end which I am going to have to remind her about during the week. I hope throughout that I was able to speak something into her life – that God was doing that through me.

*wry smile* this is like modding offline.

General Life YITS

Tom, I owe you an apology and also a thanks. I got hit with a blackboard of a metaphor for my life this evening thinking about something you played a part in today.

Swing dancing lessons for group focus today.
Standing rather aimlessly around, people start semi-looking for partners as we didn’t really know what we we’re doing. Tom kindly asked me and I ho-humed a bit until the moment passed and Emma made some ‘aww you got turned down’ comment – to which me in my comfortable pride couldn’t alter. Hey um this might seem entirely insignificant but… I was trying to work out what was going through my head when that all happened.

I have always been renownd for not liking dancing, just not doing the whole dance thing. I don’t know why/when it started, some is natural introverted bec’ness but not all I now think. I can recall doing bush dancing and (better still) square dancing in Year 9 or so with the other SITAG kids with Dan Boerger doing the calling and really quite loving it. Since then as I don’t do the whole ‘get up do your own move kind of thing’ – I’ve had people drag me onto floors at parties and stuff, ‘try to make Bec dance’ and even had Jess and Amy S make a bet on getting me to dance. So as I think too often do. I live up to the persona. Perhaps I am embarassed dare I use the insecure word in this?

I have been questioning myself tonight whether this is another issue relating to my inherent need for control. I don’t know how much I have previously discussed about my grapplings with this whole entirely nasty word vulnerability. This is what I bought up on Pink Elephant Wednesday of Mid-year camp. This is my mountain.

I failed today. I backed down from a semingly insignificant request to let someone else be in control, to let myself be treated as perhaps I ought. Glorious irony that this week’s Gathering focus has been on ‘Weakness’, another that I ended up learning the male’s part of the swing dancing (rather good shortage of guys compared to girls) – this is exactly how it has always been. I was given a small opportunity to change something, I think now that I even thought about it and yet I hesitated and backed down.

My legs hurt now, I had a heap of fun. (Yes that’s right, I enjoyed myself dancing) but I can’t help but be a little sad that I lived again the Rebecca mode I am far too comfortable in.

Carrying the thought further. If I was to take that opportunity next Wednesday to ‘play the girl’ I will have to re-learn what I did. I take the long way around. This is how it has been. It is so incredibally difficult to remove those boundries you’ve set up for yourself over time, and even harder to convey them to others when in words they sound so small.

General Life YITS

There is an exceptionally diverse mix of music while carpooling with Jess and Sam. This diversity tends heavily towards Jess’s favourites which frustrate me upon occasion, there is only so much you can take of La Vie En Rose, I will Survive and the Chichago soundtrack, however she does have a good lot of other stuff. Sam commented twice today I think on songs (that Jess skipped), songs that make her cry. Of to which I commented how songs just don’t do that to me.

I will find songs/come across songs that do the feeling for me. Is this different?

Jess made mention of (I think there was that Kelly Clarkson song playing – err what’s it called: Since U Been Gone) how she feels a bit strange singing stuff like that, however ‘good’ the music is as she simply can’t relate. The love song thing. Most songs are love songs in some way or another (most popular music is anyway). Relationships seem to conusme the world and the world’s industry. What happened to good old fashioned romance – not bitter saying it, but it hardly seems entirely obvious in my own life.

Central focus of accountability group converstaion this afternoon: relationships (which might have been the reason we were 15mins or so late to class :P). For all manner of reasons each pertaining to Katie, Jo and I as individuals. I will not share that stuff as it is to be kept within the group. (NB. K, and Jo if I ever say anything in here that you aren’t okay with do please let me know). I made some comment (ha. full of comments today) how my head rules my heart, which it undoubtably does.

I get so so caught up in my thoughts sometimes that I think that I forget to feel.

I took Job for a walk when I got home. Told the dog when he refused to go out the gate (really dumb sometimes) verbally to, ‘Come on! I need to go think’ followed by a rather good yank of the lead (which worked). So I spent the time thinking about thinking and feeling or rather how I don’t feel first, or I think my feeling into being. Even in the car when I was rehashing some of today’s conversations and topics and what’s been on my mind and doing mental dramatics – like sometimes happens. This is what I think: I’d describe myself now as ‘I just realy want to scream my head off’ (I cannot remember exactly what it was about, frustrated at something or other). Then took another step back and realised I had taken a step back from what I would actually do or was feeling. I not proper reason for wanting/needing to respond that way. Ha this sounds so lame and strange and twisted and circular.

Does my head put thoughts/feelings into my head? Maybe.

Something else I thought I might mention (and I do hope you don’t mind *). Was something put up on a blog that did directly relate to me, without using my name. This person came to me later and let me know it was me the unnamed individual that featured. I had a decent chat to her about the whole thing – which I don’t hold against her in anyway (it’s hardly as if she had much control over a dream). It did however run the energizer bunny through my brain, and to quote another person with whom I talked about it, “You are overanalysing her overanalysing”. It had me tripping out to an extent, I was completely surprised and I guess a bit sad at when I got asked, “Is this another side of Bec? I don’t really get it”. Much sighings and all that. I am who I am. I hope that I have enough integrity to present myself the same person whether I am at home, at yits, at work, through the blog or on msn. The only person at all needing to appologise to myself is myself.

I think too much.

If I could feel/enjoy things the way I enjoyed walking around Tabor barefoot this-afternoon the world would be vastly different. Then again it might just exchange one extremist view of the world for the other.

Jo. Head ruling heart is not always easier. Heart gets buried and needs to be uncovered fairly regularly or you simply forget you’ve ignored it and so don’t ever quite know what to do with it.

General Life YITS