Late night Wednesday classes.

I haven’t really talked a whole lot about YITS people before, which is surprising as they are very central in my life at the moment, and are probably one of the best things in my year (and hopefully extend further into my life).

So I will slowly I think attempt to make mention of each individual. I will, unfortunately have to be a little careful, for there are times when certain someones frustrate me and there are those who share this year and share my friends/aquaintances that read this.

I will mention her first, because despite frustrating me hugely almost everyday, she has been one of the most remarkable encouragements to me personally and inspirational in her completely out of the box approach to God and life.

The frustration I find is in her class interaction, the questions she replies to, the stories that continue endlessly – the point is often made, then lost or carried so far it is lost yet again. There are certain reasons for some of this of which I will not share which make things fractionally eaiser to understand, this does not significantly alter my response to her. She laughs at the drop of a hat often at something entirely in her head. You can laugh with/at her but it often just annoys me.

She loves God. Seems almost strange to put it that way. But she just really really loves God. She was talking to me this morning, about how she woke up and heard the birds singing and thinking how God is just a “bloody legend”. She shares this overt expression continually. She physically dances, and laughs and prays like God is the centre of her life. She lives a God reality. She talks to people everywhere about God, prays for people in pubs, in maccas… and she’ll tell her stories and still focus is not on her, but on her maker.

I laugh at her interchangeable use of multiple swear words during class/conversation. I think she scares lecturers sometimes – they don’t exactly know what to do with her. Yes sometimes it is inappropriate. She’s a hard person to really understand.

Kerryn has this year for me been that light, sometimes during a week – be it normal or difficult. She’ll give these bizzarely beautiful compliments, that would sound foolish coming from most people. I never quite know what to do with them.
Encouragement is a bigger deal for me than I usually let on.
Its so nice sometimes just to have someone notice you, to feel free enough to really go out of their way to love you with words.

I technically haven’t spent a huge amount of time with Kerryn, moments here and there. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone quite like her.
I admire her life. I could never be that kind of person in her outward expression, I would like to be the Rebecca version – to have her heart for God.

General YITS

Quarter of the creed done. Jess W picked me put around 2:00 went and did some at her place. Had tead, went to Amy S’s for Veggie Tales night (YITS). Deciding what to go was all rather impromtu – figured we had nothing much better to do (than more essays). Will have to work hard tomorrow. Worth it though, to catch up with a few: Amy, Tracey, Jessmin, Clare, Erin, Jo and Nat.
Apparently Dave had dropped in earlier – those who are doing the netball lost the first game. Plenty of chips, scones, coke. Too much coke – hence still awake. Watched four VeggieTales then we left.
Thank you God for the friends reminder. I get in this stubborn mentality and refuse to work on what I’ve been given, wanting the outcome without the work, in so missing the journey, creating history, which really is a huge part of what it’s all about. Help me work on that.

Thinking about faith, interesting how all this (church crap) comes up. this situation and relating aspects. How the Personal Creed is very much about faith and belief. How I’ve been challenged with some of that lately. How I keep stumbling across books that I should be reading.

“I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” (Ephesians 3:16-19)

General Life YITS

1hr and I’m heading off to a work conference… the long weekend up at Stonelea which is up Alexandra way. First time I dare say for me staying anywhere that isn’t exactly ‘cheap’ accomodation. Don’t have to share a room. Intend to enjoy myself, get that ‘time’ I’m so badly after. Thinking is high high on the priority list. Will have various work meeting things to attended as well as tomorrow afternoon’s ‘Round Robin’ activity (ie: group/families activity from fishing to scavenger hunt, to volleyball) weather permitting.
Weather does not look permitting.
I’m apparently the ‘green team’ leader. Hohum.

Rebekah Smith will be there. She’s Em’s age (16ish) which is good, as we’ve known the Smiths for a long time. Otherwise, work people and their families (be they married + children).

Today, for sleeping in. Made it 11:00, bed til 11:40ish. Vivid dreams. Its if I’ve unleashed some creative monster in my brain. Haven’t dreamt at all for ages and the past few days my head’s come alive. Known and unknown characters. Out there dreams. Strange locations, strange themes. Interesting. Not funny, not terrifying. Much as an onlooker. Memorable.

Breakfast. Spent some time sitting, worked out that past few days have revolved around me and not God and that is not good, spent time talking to God. Walked dog. Online. Spent ages looking for a non-existant bag to pack in and ended up with the Retravision one. Packed.

Looking online again at MK stuff (or the severe shortage of it, will think about that and my other as yet empty blog re: that). Looked at various blogs. Found my way to NaNoWriMo by accident. Remember vaguely being told about it. Might think about doing it. Need to write more specifically.

Checking if this image thing works again… This is accountabilty group (quite a bad photo of all us). Me, Katie, Jo.

Now I’d better pack up this computer and go get dinner. No internet for 4 days. Should be good for me.

General Work YITS

I’m realising as I went back just before to put up backlogged stuff that tiredness seriously affects writing style. Saying thus, I think I am getting sick and have been awake purely due to caffeine today. Letting words flow well, or playing round to get stuff sounding ‘good’ has simply been low on the priority list. Journal has resulted in head dump of what went on in the day. Be it emotionally loaded, thought inspired or whatever, I frankly couldn’t care less.

Last day of semester. If only I was not working tomorrow and friday… ah that would be nice :
Good day. Apart from not being entirely with it. Actually no. Strange kind of detached me. Last day and I’d assume I’d desperately want to socialise as I wont be seeing people for 5 or so weeks, but no. I think I would have been completely content to be alone all day outside somewhere in the middle of nowhere… and that thought can be left there.

It was fun though. Did our oral presentation first, as Jess was feeling sick and wanted to go home. Went alright. “What is Success?”… went better than some of the others, wasn’t as good as some of the others. Middle of the range. Enjoyable one some of the guys did on ‘why they are women’ (Tilla saying to me, “poor boys, they’re so naive” :P). Some of the girls did a ‘why they are men’…. as Jess put it, rather ‘left wing’. Enjoyed the one on ‘choices’ and Tracey’s groups’ one on ‘depression’.

BBQ lunch put on by Rowan, Jacqui, Marko and Tilla. Hamburgers (best kind of BBQ).
Rowan was doing promo video/still stuff for YITS 2006. Some crazy group stuff of us singing, laughing being stupid etc… Apparently going to end up on the website.
As are I guess lots of the photos taken in the past few days. Many by me. Rowan shoved camera at me this week (… he didn’t know how desperate I am to get a camera at the moment haha 🙂 has been nice, kind of) SLR digital. Some good ones (photos), lots of bad ones 😛 got it taken off me lots.

…half of the yits people’s obsession with the game ‘dodo’. Which I wont explain here. But involving saying dodo until your breath runs out. Being grabbed by a group of people and held to the ground. Looks alright. But yeh, maybe not. Have watched so far. Being no big physical contact person… hating being slammed to the floor for no exceptional reason, not exactly my idea of fun.

Was rather antisocial today. Didn’t mind. Crash and burn time of the year, I think I shutdown a day too soon. Will hopefully be alive enough for work conference this weekend.

Prominent thing today. Funny how ‘hugs’ comes up, how I get the idea and I think I put forward that I don’t like them. Which yes there are times (most of them) I don’t, as mm. can find them as invading personal space. And people understand that, which is great; but other times, it would nice, very nice.
Or to or sit and be quiet with someone comfortably. Thats what I missed today. What I wanted.

Extension for Personal Creed. Thankful for sanity’s sake. Stress levels dropped hugely. Was getting photos off Rowan, but I left my usb stick there, so will probably have to wait until camp. Ah well. Scanned a few off Katie the other day. May put them somewhere. will/should soonish be updated, no doubt with new stuff.

I need a holiday… more so, time, to read, to write, to pray, to think. To stop.

General YITS

Tired. But oh what a good Tuesday. Goodbye tedious Tuesday forever – maybe.

Facinating Evangelism class. Best described – as I cannot be bothered completely reviewing, through some quotes I picked up. Minorly amusing looking at them because they tell little of the class. (on another note, this is what Tom wrote about Hyper Reality re: that class. How convienient!) continuing…

“Human beings are (have become) human doings” – Darren

“We are middleclass with upperclass taste.” – Mark Sayers

“There was a boxer who had a plan, then he got hit” – Mark S quoting someone

and instead of a a wwjd type thing > heaven = wwtc i.e. “World without the crap”

Much more from that class. Jesus mistaken as a gardener actually having a point > his (God’s) continuation of the Genesis project, perfect environment for humans.

So much stuff God. Strange how Evang. was the class in all of YITS that I was dreading the most – for some screwed up, naive reason and I ended up really enjoying and getting heaps out of it. This is your world, where your heart is (though I don’t know why), and ours should lie. In people. Help me God to invest in others and to do my bit to ‘grow’ the kingdom of God. Be my voice, in my words, my lifestyle, my relationships.

Old Testament test went well. Very glad that class is over.

Afternoon break, so much fun.
Photos – taking and being stupid. Laughing my guts out at what Jo said.

Accountability was good. Do regret one thing. Got talking to Katie about Laura (sister) and John (probably future brother-in-law). Talk moved to long distant relationships. Anyway, K trying to grasp how it would possibly work, which is very understandable. In my inability to find words, placed it somewhat flippantly back to being used to moving around lots (call it ‘brushing it off’ if you will). Which, yeah is true. But I could have persisted a little more and tried to explain better – in so doing, may have shared a bit more about what it is like. That it’s crap to have to do friendships that way. And to have treated her, I guess with a bit more…. hmm respect.

….more that I’m leaving unsaid. The God conversation aspect that doesn’t need to be public.

Christianity General Relationships YITS